Yixiang Yu

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Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Title: Pre-appointed Assistant Professor
Contact number:
Department: Theoretical Physics
E-mail: yyx@bit.edu.cn
Mailing Address: Lishu Building A315a

Research Interests

Condensed Matter Theory: Magnetic theory, Supercurrent Superconductivity Theory, Strongly Correlated Systems
Quantum phase transitions: Topological quantum transitions in Bosonic and Fermi systems, BEC-BCS transits in Fermi cold atomic gases
Quantum Optics: Interaction of single-mode photons with superconducting qubits in optical cavities, Quantum Electrodynamics in optical cavities


2009-2015 Ph.D., Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2005-2009 College of Physics, Hunan Normal University

Professional Experience

2018-2020 Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2015-2018 Postdoctoral Fellow, Beihang University
2020- Assistant Professor, School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Achievement

1. Renyuan Liao, Yu Yi-Xiang, and Wu-Ming Liu, Tuning the Tri-critical Point with Spin-Orbit Coupling in Polarized Fermionic Condensates, Physical Review Letters 108, 080406 (2012).
2. Jinwu Ye, Fadi Sun, Yu Yi-Xiang, and Wu-Ming Liu, Exciton correlations and input-output relations in non-equilibrium exciton superfluids, Annals of Physics 329, 51-72 (2012).
3. Yu Yi-Xiang, Jinwu Ye, and Wu-Ming Liu, Goldstone and Higgs modes of photons inside a cavity, Scientific Reports 3, 3476 (2013).
4. Yu Yi-Xiang, Jinwu Ye, and Wu-Ming Liu, Coherence lengths in attractively interacting Fermi gases with spin-orbit coupling, Physical Review A 90, 053603 (2014).
5. Yu Yi-Xiang, Jinwu Ye, Wu-Ming Liu, CunLin Zhang, Parity oscillations and photon correlation functions in the Z2-U(1) Dicke model at a finite number of atoms or qubits, Physical Review A 94, 023830 (2016).
6. Yu Yi-Xiang, Ningfang Song, Wu-Ming Liu, Energy Level Splitting and Parity Oscillation in The Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model, Acta Physica Sinica 67, 182101 (2018).
7. Yu Yi-Xiang, Fadi Sun, Jinwu Ye, Class of topological phase transitions of Rashba spin-orbit coupled fermions on a square lattice, Physical Review B 98, 174506 (2018).
8. Fadi Sun, Yu Yi-Xiang, Jinwu Ye, W.M. Liu, Classification of the quantum chaos in colored Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models, Physical Review D 101, 026009 (2020).
9. Yu Yi-Xiang, Jinwu Ye, W.M. Liu, CunLin Zhang, Quantum analog of the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theorem in the anisotropic Dicke model and its possible implications in the hybrid Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models, Physical Review A 106, 022213 (2022).


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