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Personal profile

Personal profile

Gender: Male
Title: Special Associate Researcher/Pre-Appointed Assistant Professor
Education: Doctoral student
Discipline: Optical Engineering
Research interests: Wave front control, Information Optics, New display principles and devices
Li Xin, Ph.D., Special Associate Researcher, Master Supervisor, School of Optoelectronics, Beijing Institute of Technology. He has long been engaged in scientific research in the fields of wave front control, information optics and new display principles and devices, and his main research interests include computational holography algorithm, complex amplitude modulation technology, micro and nano optical components application. He has participated in 6 national scientific research projects and 1 project of the Public Utilities Board of Singapore. As co-author/first author, he has published 5 SCI papers in Nature Communications, Optics Express, Optics Communications and other journals, 1 ESI highly cited paper, and 28 SCI papers co-published. Published 20 conference papers, 15 of which were included in EI; Applied for 11 invention patents, all of which have been authorized. Won the "2017 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in Optics". Serves as a reviewer for academic journals such as Optics Letters, Optics Express, Applied Optics, and Acta Optica.

Li Xin, Ph.D., Special Associate Researcher, Master Supervisor, School of Optoelectronics, Beijing Institute of Technology. He has long been engaged in scientific research in the fields of wave front control, information optics and new display principles and devices, and his main research interests include computational holography algorithm, complex amplitude modulation technology, micro and nano optical components application. He has participated in 6 national scientific research projects and 1 project of the Public Utilities Board of Singapore. As co-author/first author, he has published 5 SCI papers in Nature Communications, Optics Express, Optics Communications and other journals, 1 ESI highly cited paper, and 28 SCI papers co-published. Published 20 conference papers, 15 of which were included in EI; Applied for 11 invention patents, all of which have been authorized. Won the "2017 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in Optics". Serves as a reviewer for academic journals such as Optics Letters, Optics Express, Applied Optics, and Acta Optica.

Research Interests

1. Wave front regulation;
2. Information optics;
3. New display principle and device.

Professional Experience

2019.08-present, Faculty of Optoelectronics, Beijing Institute of Technology;
2018.09-2018.10, Visiting Scholar, Southern University of Science and Technology;
2017.05-2018.05, Postdoctoral Researcher, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Research Achievement

01. W. Ye*, F. Zeuner*, X. Li*, B. Reineke, S. He, C.-W. Qiu, J. Liu, Y. Wang, S. Zhang, and T. Zentgraf, "Spin and Wavelength Multiplexed Nonlinear Metasurface Holography," Nature Commun. 7, 11930 (2016). (*等同一作)
02. X. Li, J. Liu, T. Zhao, and Y. Wang, "Color dynamic holographic display with wide viewing angle by improved complex amplitude modulation," Opt. Express 26(3), 2349-2358 (2018).
03. X. Li, J. Liu, J. Jia, Y. Pan, and Y. Wang, "3D dynamic holographic display by modulating complex amplitude experimentally," Opt. Express 21(18), 20577-20587 (2013).
04. X. Li, J. Liu, and Y. Wang, "High resolution real-time projection display using a half-overlap-pixel method," Opt. Commun. 396, 156-159 (2017).
05. X. Li, J. Liu, Y. Pan, and Y. Wang, "Improved polygon-based method for subwavelength pixel pitch computer generated holograms," Opt. Commun. 390, 22-25 (2017).
06. P. Yu, J. Li, X. Li, G. Schütz, M. Hirscher, S. Zhang, and N. Liu, "Generation of Switchable Singular Beams with Dynamic Metasurfaces," ACS Nano 13(6), 7100-7106 (2019).
07. X. Li, J. Liu, T. Zhao, Y. Wang, and Z. Lv, "Color dynamic holographic display by complex amplitude modulation," in Imaging and Applied Optics 2018 (3D, AO, AIO, COSI, DH, IS, LACSEA, LS&C, MATH, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper 3M2G.2.
08. X. Li, J. Liu, and Y. Wang, "Wavefront modulation by complex amplitude in holographic display," IEEE-INDIN 2016 France, 14th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, PD-011118.
09. 刘娟、李昕、王涌天, 一种精确强度调制全息显示的全息图编码方法 (ZL 2014102253527).
10. 刘娟、李昕、王涌天, 一种精确光强调制的全息显示方法 (ZL 2014102255931).

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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