• 3584
  • 34
Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year: undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined,

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Name: Wu Xia
Discipline: Computer Science and Technology
Title: Professor
Contact number:
E-mail: wuxia@bit.edu.cn
Address: Beijing Institute of Technology, No.5 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing Personal Information
Wu Xia, professor, doctoral supervisor, national leading talent. He received a bachelor's degree in communication and Information systems from Beijing Normal University in 2001, a master's degree in communication and information systems from Beijing Normal University in 2004, and a Doctor's degree in basic psychology from Beijing Normal University in 2008.
He presided over more than 10 key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and National key research and development Plan, and won the first prize of Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Natural Science, the second prize of Natural Science of the Ministry of Education, and MAO Yisheng Beijing Youth Science and Technology Award.
In the past five years, he has published more than 100 papers in IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TAFFC, IEEE JBHI, NeuroImage, MedIA, AAAI, IPMI, MICCAI and other international journals and conferences.
Every year, 3 doctoral students and 3 to 4 master students are recruited. Students who are interested in artificial intelligence and brain science and other related fields are welcome to join the "Brain Computer Interface and brain-like Intelligence Research Center".

Research Interests

Research Direction
His main research direction is artificial intelligence and brain science, and he is committed to using the theories and methods of artificial intelligence technology to explore the brain mechanism of cognitive function by exploring the characteristics of the human brain, and developing new theories and methods of artificial intelligence by benefiting from the inspirations and inspirations obtained from brain scientific inquiry.


Personal Information
Wu Xia, professor, doctoral supervisor, national leading talent. He received a bachelor's degree in communication and Information systems from Beijing Normal University in 2001, a master's degree in communication and information systems from Beijing Normal University in 2004, and a Doctor's degree in basic psychology from Beijing Normal University in 2008.
He presided over more than 10 key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and National key research and development Plan, and won the first prize of Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Natural Science, the second prize of Natural Science of the Ministry of Education, and MAO Yisheng Beijing Youth Science and Technology Award.
In the past five years, he has published more than 100 papers in IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TAFFC, IEEE JBHI, NeuroImage, MedIA, AAAI, IPMI, MICCAI and other international journals and conferences.
Every year, 3 doctoral students and 3 to 4 master students are recruited. Students who are interested in artificial intelligence and brain science and other related fields are welcome to join the "Brain Computer Interface and brain-like Intelligence Research Center".

Professional Experience

Personal Information
Wu Xia, professor, doctoral supervisor, national leading talent. He received a bachelor's degree in communication and Information systems from Beijing Normal University in 2001, a master's degree in communication and information systems from Beijing Normal University in 2004, and a Doctor's degree in basic psychology from Beijing Normal University in 2008.
He presided over more than 10 key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and National key research and development Plan, and won the first prize of Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Natural Science, the second prize of Natural Science of the Ministry of Education, and MAO Yisheng Beijing Youth Science and Technology Award.
In the past five years, he has published more than 100 papers in IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TAFFC, IEEE JBHI, NeuroImage, MedIA, AAAI, IPMI, MICCAI and other international journals and conferences.
Every year, 3 doctoral students and 3 to 4 master students are recruited. Students who are interested in artificial intelligence and brain science and other related fields are welcome to join the "Brain Computer Interface and brain-like Intelligence Research Center".

Research Achievement

1. Qixin Wang, Chaoqiong Fan, Tianyuan Jia, Yuyang Han, Xia Wu*. ND-MRM: Neuronal Diversity Inspired Multisensory Recognition Model, Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024.
2. Ziyu Li, Qing Li, Zhiyuan Zhu, Zhongyi Hu, Xia Wu*. Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Fusion with Adaptive Brain Topology Learning for fMRI Based Neural Decoding. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024, 28(1): 262-272.
3. Zhiyuan Zhu, Taicheng Huang, Zonglei Zhen, Boyu Wang, Xia Wu*, Shuo Li. From sMRI to task-fMRI: A unified geometric deep learning framework for cross-modal brain anatomo-functional mapping. Medical Image Analysis, 2023, 83: 102681.
4. Xueyuan Xu, Xia Wu*, Fulin Wei, Wei Zhong, Feiping Nie, A General Framework for Feature Selection under Orthogonal Regression with Global Redundancy Minimization. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2022, 34(11): 5056 – 5069.
5. Qing Li, Wei Zhang, Lin Zhao, Xia Wu*, Tianming Liu*. Evolutional Neural Architecture Search for Optimization of Spatiotemporal Brain Network Decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2022, 69(2): 624-634.
6. Hailing Wang, Xia Wu*, Li Yao. Identifying cortical brain directed connectivity networks from high-density EEG for emotion recognition. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2022, 13(3):1489-1500.
7. Qing Li, Xia Wu*, Tianming Liu*. Differentiable Neural Architecture Search for Optimal Spatial/Temporal Brain Function Network Decomposition. Medical Image Analysis. 2021, 69: 101974.
8. Xia Wu, Xueyuan Xu, Jianhong Liu, Hailing Wang, Bin Hu, Feiping Nie*. Supervised feature selection with orthogonal regression and feature weighting. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021, 32(5): 1831-1838.
9. Qing Li, Wei Zhang, Jinglei Lv, Xia Wu*, Tianming Liu. Neural Architecture Search for Optimization of Spatial-temporal Brain Network Decomposition. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2020, 377-386.
10. Zhiyuan Zhu, Zonglei Zhen, and Xia Wu*. A Novel Sparse Overlapping Modularized Gaussian Graphical Model for Functional Connectivity Estimation. International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI), Oral, 2019, 11492: 304-315.
2021年,茅以升科学技术奖 北京青年科技奖
2021年 电子学会“优秀科技工作者”
2020年,吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖自然科学 一等奖
2020年,教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖 一等奖

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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