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Personal profile

Personal profile

Associate Professor (Special Research Fellow)
■ Doctoral Supervisor ■ Master's Supervisor
Colleges and Majors
School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering/Department of Energy and Power Engineering/Power Mechanics and Engineering
Office Address
Room 307, Building 9, Zhongguancun Campus
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Office Phone
By mail

Research Interests

1, Additive manufacturing aviation/aerospace/vehicle material - Structure - environment - performance integrated design
2, Hydrogen fuel cell key components environment-fatigue durability analysis and life prediction
3. Fatigue failure diagnosis and reliability evaluation of new energy vehicle power system
4. Coupling Vibration and Instability analysis of cracked rotor-support System in turbomachinery


Li Wei, Special researcher, PhD supervisor, School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, graduated from Ritsumeikan University, Japan; He has been in charge of vertical projects such as China Postdoctoral Fund, China Postdoctoral Fund, National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project, National Natural Science Fund (2), National Natural Science Joint Fund Key project sub-project, National Defense Basic Product Innovation Research Project (2), Aerospace Science and Technology Fund, Shanghai Aerospace Science and Industry Fund, etc. The first or corresponding author, published nearly 50 SCI papers in international academic journals such as Int J Fatigue; The first consummated person has authorized 9 national invention patents; Editor in chief of one English monograph, Fatigue Design in Engineering; The first completed person, won the third prize of National Defense Science and Technology Progress in 2020; He is also deputy director of the Technical Steering Committee of Hebei New Energy Vehicle Power System Lightweight Technology Innovation Center, guest editor of the international SCI journal Metals, editor of the international journal Advances in Structural Mechanics, and member of the Expert Committee of China Energy Society.

Professional Experience

Li Wei, Special researcher, PhD supervisor, School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, graduated from Ritsumeikan University, Japan; He has been in charge of vertical projects such as China Postdoctoral Fund, China Postdoctoral Fund, National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project, National Natural Science Fund (2), National Natural Science Joint Fund Key project sub-project, National Defense Basic Product Innovation Research Project (2), Aerospace Science and Technology Fund, Shanghai Aerospace Science and Industry Fund, etc. The first or corresponding author, published nearly 50 SCI papers in international academic journals such as Int J Fatigue; The first consummated person has authorized 9 national invention patents; Editor in chief of one English monograph, Fatigue Design in Engineering; The first completed person, won the third prize of National Defense Science and Technology Progress in 2020; He is also deputy director of the Technical Steering Committee of Hebei New Energy Vehicle Power System Lightweight Technology Innovation Center, guest editor of the international SCI journal Metals, editor of the international journal Advances in Structural Mechanics, and member of the Expert Committee of China Energy Society.

Research Achievement

1. Academic Innovation Award of Beijing Institute of Technology in 2021;
2. Excellent Postgraduate Dissertation of Beijing Institute of Technology in 2021 (Supervisor Award);
3. Third Prize of National Defense Science and Technology Progress in 2020 (the first finisher);
4. Third Prize of 2018 Beijing Institute of Technology Young Teachers Basic Skills Competition (taught in English);

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 14 - Life Below Water


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