Shan Tao
Date of birth: September 1969
Office Tel: 010-68917687
2005.02 - Now: School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology
1996.09-2004.07: Studied at Beijing Institute of Technology, majoring in Communication and Information Systems.
1987.09-1991.07: Studied in Xidian University, majoring in Optoelectronic Technology as a bachelor
External radiation source radar, Radar signal processing
2005.02 - Now: School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology
1996.09-2004.07: Studied at Beijing Institute of Technology, majoring in Communication and Information Systems.
1987.09-1991.07: Studied in Xidian University, majoring in Optoelectronic Technology as a bachelor
2005.02 - Now: School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology
1996.09-2004.07: Studied at Beijing Institute of Technology, majoring in Communication and Information Systems.
1987.09-1991.07: Studied in Xidian University, majoring in Optoelectronic Technology as a bachelor
Meng Wang,Tao Shan,Wanwei Zhang andHao Huan. Analysis of BDS/GPS Signals Characteristics and Navigation Accuracy for a Geostationary Satellite Remote Sens. 2021, 13(10)
Dongdong Pang, Tao Shan,Pengge Ma, Wei Li, Shengheng Liu, Ran Tao. A Novel Spatio-temporal Saliency Method for Low-altitude Slow Small Infrared Target Detection. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.3048199
Hongchi Zhang, Tao Shan, Shengheng Liu, Ran Tao. Performance Evaluation and Parameter Optimization of Sparse Fourier Transform. Signal Processing, 2021, Vol.179, Article No.107823.
Shengheng Liu, Hongchi Zhang, Tao Shan. Efficient Radar Detection of Weak Maneuvering Targets Using A Coarse-to-Fine Strategy. IET Radar Sonar Navig. 2021, 15:181–193.
Xingshuai Qiao, Tao Shan* and Ran Tao. Human Identification Based on Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures Separation. Electronics Letters, 2020, 56(4), pp.195-196.
Hongchi Zhang, Tao Shan, Shengheng Liu, Ran Tao. Optimized sparse fractional Fourier transform: Principle and performance analysis. Signal Processing, 2020, Vol.174, Article No.107646.
Qiao Xingshuai, Shan Tao*, Tao Ran, Bai Xia, Zhao Juan. Separation of Human Micro-Doppler Signals Based on Short-Time Fractional Fourier Transform. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019, 19(24):12205-12216.
Liu Shengheng, Zhang Yimin, Shan Tao*. Detection of Weak Astronomical Signals with Frequency-hopping Interference Suppression. Digital Signal Processing, 2018.05, 72:1-8.
Liu Shengheng, Zhang Yimin, Shan Tao*, Tao Ran. Structure-Aware Bayesian Compressive Sensing for Frequency-Hopping Spectrum Estimation with Missing Observations. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2018.04, 66(8):2153-2166.
Wang Meng, Shan Tao, Ma Lin, Tao Ran, Chen Chunliang. Performance of GPS and GPS/SINS Navigation in the CE-5T1 Skip Re-entry Mission. GPS Solutions, 2018.03, 22(2): 1-12.
Ma Yahui, Shan Tao*, Zhang Yimin, Amin Moeness G., Tao Ran, Feng Yuan. A Novel Two-Dimensional Sparse-Weight NLMS Filtering Scheme for Passive Bistatic Radar. IEEE GRS Letters, 2016.05, 13(5):676-680.
Liu Shengheng, Zeng Zhengxin, Zhang Yimin, Fan Tingting, Shan Tao*, Tao Ran. Automatic Human Fall Detection in Fractional Fourier Domain for Assisted Living. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016), Shanghai, China, 2016.03.20-2016.03.25: 799-803.
Shan Tao*, Liu Shengheng, Zhang Yimin, Amin Moeness G., Tao Ran, Feng Yuan. Efficient Architecture and Hardware Implementation of Coherent Integration Processor for DVB-based Passive Bistatic Radar. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2016.01, 10(1):97-106.
Liu Shengheng, Shan Tao*, Tao Ran, Zhang Yimin, Zhang Guo, Zhang Feng, Wang Yue. Sparse Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform and Its Applications. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2014.12, 62(24):6582-6595.
科研成果先后获教育部高等学校科学技术进步一等奖2项,北京市科学技术奖二等奖1项,部级科技进步三等奖2项;获发明专利30多项、软件著作权7项。 教学成果获国家教学成果二等奖1项。
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