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Personal profile

Personal profile

Master's Degree √
College Majors
School of Mechanical and Vehicle Industrial Engineering
Office Address
344B, Building 1, Zhongguancun Campus, Beijing Institute of Technology
post 100081
By mail

Research Interests

I. Academic monographs
Two, the latest published papers
1.The Effect of Color on Implicit Cognition and Cognitive Control
2.The research on adaptive operational interface for vehicle equipments based on cognitive experiments
3.Ergonomics Evaluation of Virtual Maintenance Process based on Fuzzy and AHP method
4.A conceptual architecture for adaptive human-computer interface of a PT operation platform based on context-awareness
3. Representative Research Projects
1. Research on Adaptive Human-Machine Interface based on Context awareness
2. Research on Key technologies of Intellectualization - Task-oriented Human-machine Interface design and Evaluation


Biography: Professor Xue Qing, graduated from Tsinghua University in 1985; He graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology in 1991 and has been working since then. For many years, I have taught public basic courses such as "Basic Computer Application", "C Language Programming", "Computer Science and Programming" (including bilingual). Teaching Computer Science and Programming courses in English, industrial engineering courses such as "Ergonomics", "Advanced Manufacturing System", "Modern Industrial Engineering" (including bilingual); Lecturing the first batch of MOOCs and the first batch of quality courses; Responsible for the construction and teaching of the postgraduate course "Engineering Ethics", teaching the postgraduate course "Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction"; Presided over a number of educational reform projects in Beijing and the school, and edited and published Beijing fine teaching materials.
Presided over and participated in the final assembly of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" and "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" pre-research support projects, participated in the National Natural Science Foundation projects and enterprise horizontal projects. He has published many SCI, EI papers and teaching and research papers.
Research direction: Human Factor Engineering (human-machine interface, Human-machine interaction, etc.)
Recruitment direction: Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and other majors

Professional Experience

Biography: Professor Xue Qing, graduated from Tsinghua University in 1985; He graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology in 1991 and has been working since then. For many years, I have taught public basic courses such as "Basic Computer Application", "C Language Programming", "Computer Science and Programming" (including bilingual). Teaching Computer Science and Programming courses in English, industrial engineering courses such as "Ergonomics", "Advanced Manufacturing System", "Modern Industrial Engineering" (including bilingual); Lecturing the first batch of MOOCs and the first batch of quality courses; Responsible for the construction and teaching of the postgraduate course "Engineering Ethics", teaching the postgraduate course "Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction"; Presided over a number of educational reform projects in Beijing and the school, and edited and published Beijing fine teaching materials.
Presided over and participated in the final assembly of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" and "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" pre-research support projects, participated in the National Natural Science Foundation projects and enterprise horizontal projects. He has published many SCI, EI papers and teaching and research papers.
Research direction: Human Factor Engineering (human-machine interface, Human-machine interaction, etc.)
Recruitment direction: Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and other majors

Research Achievement

He is a senior member of Industrial Engineering Branch of China Mechanical Engineering Society. Director of Chinese Ergonomics Society, member of Professional Committee of Management Ergonomics Branch, Member of Complex Systems Human Factors and Ergonomics Branch; Member of the International Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE).


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