Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

[1]. Yaquan Ai, Han Wu*, Vladimir Markov, Jianhui Zhao, Xiangrong Li. Impact of fuel properties on the transition of liquid-gas interface dynamics under supercritical pressure. Combustion and Flame 257(2023) 113005.

Research Interests

[2]. Han Wu, Yaqing Bo, Peng Xiao, Zhicheng Shi*, Xiangrong Li. Effect mechanism and quantitative analysis of injector faults on diesel engine performance. Applied Thermal Engineering 236(2023) 121559.


[3]. Guixian Zhang, Han Wu*, Zhikun Cao, Xiangrong Li, Leonid Myagkov. Coupling effect of thermal conducting and lowtemperature reaction process on ignition characteristics under diesel-like conditions. Fuel 340 (2023) 127533.

Professional Experience

[4]. Yaquan Ai, Han Wu*, Vladimir Markov, Jianhui Zhao, Xiangrong Li. Investigation of supercritical transition and evaporation process of a hydrocarbon droplet under diesel engine-relevant conditions, Fuel 338 (2023) 127288.

Research Achievement

[5]. Han Wu, Zhiche


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