Mengxue Guan

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Personal profile

Personal profile

Title: Associate Professor/Special Researcher
Contact number:
Department: Computational Physics
Address: A301, Liangxiang Campus, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Interests

He is mainly engaged in the research of excited state quantum dynamics and ultrafast processes, devoted to exploring the interaction between condensed matter materials and external fields, and developing time-dependent density functional software packages based on first principles. Current research interests include:
1) Mechanism and regulation of photoinduced phase transition;
2) High order harmonic generation in solid materials;
3) photoelectron emission with low vinametric structure;
4) Photocracking of energetic materials and its nuclear quantum effect.


2015.09-2020.07 Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Doctor
2011.09 -- 2015.07 Jilin University College of Physics Bachelor

Professional Experience

2022.08-present Pre-Appointed Associate Professor, School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology
2020.07-2022.08 Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Research Achievement

For a long time, time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) based on first principles and related computational methods have been used to study the microscopic mechanisms of various ultrafast kinetic processes in condensed matter materials and their regulatory means. He has received awards such as "ICAM- China Emerging Scientist Award" and "President's Excellence Award" of Chinese Academy of Sciences. So far, a total of 28 SCI papers have been published, and recent masterpieces include (joint annotation +, corresponding author annotation *) :
1. M.-X. Guan, D.-Q. Chen, Q. Chen, Y.-G. Yao, S. Meng, Coherent Phonon Assisted Ultrafast Order-Parameter Reversal and Hidden Metallic State in Ta2NiSe5, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 256503 (2023).
2. M.-X. Guan, L. Yan, S.-Q Hu, Y.-M. Zhang, D.-Q. Chen, S. Meng, Strong field driven extreme nonlinear photoemission from individual single-walled carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B 107, 075426 (2023).
3. H.-M. Wang+, X.-B. Liu+, S.-Q. Hu, D.-Q. Chen, Q. Chen, C. Zhang*, M.-X. Guan*, and S. Meng*, Giant acceleration of polaron transport by ultrafast laser-induced coherent phonons, Sci. Adv. 9, eadg3833 (2023).
4. C. Li +., M.-X. Guan+., H. Hong +, K. Chen +, X.-W. Wang, H. Ma, A.-W. Wang., Z.-J. Li., H. Hu, J.-F. Xiao, J. Dai, J., X.-G. Wan, K.-H. Liu, S. Meng, Q. Dai, Q., Coherent ultrafast photoemission from a single quantized state of a one-dimensional emitter. Sci. Adv. 9, eadf4170 (2023).
5. M.-X. Guan+, X.-B. Liu+, D.-Q. Chen, X.-Y Li, Y.-P. Qi, Q. Yang, P.-W. You, S. Meng, Optical control of multistage phase transition via phonon coupling in MoTe2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 015702 (2022).
6. M.-X. Guan, D.-Q. Chen, S.-Q. Hu, H. Zhao, P.-W. You, S. Meng, Theoretical insights into ultrafast dynamics in quantum materials, Ultrafast Science 2022, 9767251 (2022).
7. Y.-P. Qi+, M.-X. Guan+, D. Zahn, T. Vasileiadis, H. Seiler, Y.-W.Windsor, H. Zhao, S. Meng, R. Ernstorfer, Photoinduced concurrent intralayer and interlayer structural transitions and associated topological transitions in MTe2 (M=Mo, W), ACS Nano 16, 11124 (2022).
8. M.-X. Guan+, E. Wang+, P.-W. You, J.-T Sun, S. Meng, Manipulating Weyl fermions by orbital-selective photoexcitation in WTe2, Nat. Commun. 12, 1885 (2021).
9. Y.-M. Zhang+, L. Yan+, M.-X. Guan+, D.-Q. Chen, Z. Xu, H.-Z. Guo, S.-Q. Hu, S.-J. Zhang, X.-B. Liu, Z.-X Guo, S.-F. Li, S. Meng, Indirect to Direct Charge Transfer Transition in Plasmon‐Enabled CO2 Photoreduction, Adv. Sci., 2102978 (2021).
10. M.-X. Guan, S.-Q Hu, H. Zhao, C. Lian, S. Meng, Toward attosecond control of electron dynamics in two-dimensional materials, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 043101 (2020). (Selected as Featured)
11. M.-X. Guan, C. Lian, S.-Q. Hu, H. Liu, S.-J. Zhang, J. Zhang, S. Meng, Cooperative evolution of intraband and interband excitations for high-harmonic generation in strained MoS2, Phys. Rev. B 99, 184306 (2019).
12. C. Li+, K. Chen+, M.-X. Guan+, X.-W. Wang, X. Zhou, F. Zhai, J.-Y. Dai, Z.-J. Li, Z.-P. Sun, S. Meng, K.-H. Liu, Q. Dai, Extreme nonlinear strong-field photoemission from carbon nanotubes, Nat. Commun. 10, (2019).

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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