Chen Lu Job Title: Assistant Professor E-mail:
He chaired the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund and the Surface Project, and made a series of important advances in harmonic analysis, geometric functional inequalities, and nonlinear partial differential equations. Relevant results have been published in authoritative mathematical journals such as Proc.London.Math.Soc., Adv. Math, Trans. Amer. Math.soc., J. Funct. Anal., etc.
Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Analysis, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
2009.09-2013.08 Bachelor of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Anhui Normal University
2013.09-2018.08 PhD in Harmonic Analysis and Its Application, Beijing Normal University
2018.09-present Beijing Institute of Technology Pre-appointed Assistant Professor
2019.09-2020.09 Visiting Scholar, Ecole Normale Superieure de Pisa
1. L. Chen, G. Lu, M. Zhu, Least energy solutions to quasilinear subelliptic equations with constant and degenerate potentials on the Heisenberg group, to appear in Proc. London. Math. Soc.
2. L. Chen, G. Lu, M. Zhu, Existence and Nonexistence of Extremals for critical Adams inequalities in and Trudinger-Moser inequalities in , Advances in Mathematics, 368 (2020), 61pp.
3. L. Chen, Z. Liu, G. Lu, C. Tao, Reverse Stein-Weiss inequalities and existence of their
extremals, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. , 370 (2018), 8429-8450.
4. L. Chen, G. Lu, C. Tao, Existence of extremal functions for the Stein-Weiss inequalities on the Heisenberg group, J. Funct. Anal. , 277 (2019), 1112-1138.
5. L. Chen, Liu. Zhao, G. Lu and C. Tao, Stein-Weiss inequalities with the fractional Poisson kernel, Rev. Mat. Iberoam. , 36 (2020), no. 5, 1289–1308.
6. L. Chen, G. Lu and C. Zhang, Sharp weighted Trudinger-Moser-Adams inequalities on the whole space and the existence of their extremals, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 58 (2019), 31pp.
7. L. Chen, G. Lu and M. Zhu, Ground states of bi-harmonic equations with the critical
exponential growth involving constant and trapping potentials, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 59 (2020), 38pp.
8. L. Chen, G. Lu, M. Zhu, A critical Trudinger-Moser inequality involving a degenerate potential and nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Sci. China Math. , 64 (2021), 1391-1410.
9. L. Chen, G. Lu, Q. Yang and M. Zhu, Sharp Critical and Subcritical Trace Trudinger-Moser and Adams Inequalities on the Upper Half-Spaces, J. Geom. Anal. 32 (2022), no. 7, 37 pp
10. L. Chen, G. Lu, M. Zhu, Existence and non-existence of extremals for critical Adams inequality in any even dimension, J. Geom. Anal. 32 (2022), no. 10, Paper No. 243, 40 pp.
11. L. Chen, G. Lu, M. Zhu, Sharpened Trudinger-Moser inequalities on the Euclidean space and Heisenberg group. J. Geom. Anal. , 31 (2021), 12155-12181.
12. L. Chen, G. Lu, C. Zhang, Maximizers for fractional Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg and Trudinger-Moser inequalities on the fractional Sobolev spaces,J. Geom. Anal. 31 (2021), no. 4, 3556–3582.