JunWei Fu

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Personal profile

Date of Birth:
Discipline: Beijing Institute of Technology Law School
Title: Associate Professor
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Fu Junwei, Han nationality, Member of the Communist Party of China, Juris Doctor, Deputy Dean of the Institute of International Dispute Prevention and Resolution of Beijing Institute of Technology, Associate professor and master's supervisor of the School of Law, and Director of the China Office of Tilburg University in the Netherlands. In 2006, he studied in the Netherlands and received a Master's degree in law from the University of Groningen and a Doctor's degree in law from Tilburg University. He was a visiting researcher at Washington University in St. Louis (2008-2009) and Chulalongkorn University in Thailand (2013.01-04). From 2017 to 2018, he served as vice President, member of the Judicial committee and judge of the People's Court of Fangshan District, Beijing. He has published academic papers in core journals such as "Journal of Soochow University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)", "Journal of the Central Party School", "Shandong Social Sciences" and "Collection of Civil and Commercial Law". He has presided over the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Science Youth Project and the Ministry of Education's Research Start-up Fund for returned overseas students. In 2017, he was selected into the "100 Legal Talents" program of Beijing Law Society, and won the ninth "I Love My Teacher" Top Ten teachers of Beijing Institute of Technology, the third prize of the ninth Basic Teaching Skills Competition for Young teachers of Beijing Institute of Technology, and the honorary titles of Beijing Institute of Technology 2011 Summer Internship Excellent Instructor. At the same time, he has been employed as an arbitrator by many arbitration institutions in Guangzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu, Nanjing and Hainan.

Research Interests

Contract Law, EU Private Law, Arbitration Law

Research Achievement

(1) Books
1. Modern Sino-European Contract Law: A Comparative Study centered on Autonomy of Will, Wolters Kwijk Law International, The Netherlands, 2011.
2. Draft of the Chinese Civil Code, edited by Professor Liang Huixing, Boluo Press, The Netherlands, 2010;
3. Outline of Chinese Legal History, edited by Professor He Qinhua, Wolters Kluwer Law Press, Hong Kong, 2016;
4. Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of Private Law in Europe: Draft Common Frame of Reference (Full Translation), Vol. I, edited by Prof. Huixing Liang, Law Press, 2014 edition;
5. Civil Law, Law Publishing House, 2015.
(2) Thesis
1. On the Construction of Diversified Dispute Resolution Mechanism in the Construction of the "Belt and Road" - With the mediation of People's Courts as the center, Lanzhou Academic Journal, 2019;
2. Reflection and Reconstruction of Contract invalidity System, Gansu Social Sciences, 2017;
3. Contractual Justice, Connotation Change in the course of History, Law and Life, 2016;
4. Discussion on Lessee's preemption Right, Journal of Soochow University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2015;
5. Investigation on the Unified Rationalism of European Union Private Law, Shandong Social Science Department, 2015;
6. Human Rights Protection: The Basic Value Orientation of Modern Private Law, Beihang Law Review, 2014;
7. The Latest Development of Chinese Contract Law, International Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 2014;
8. Freedom of Contract in Europe and China, Journal of International Commercial and Technical Law, 2013;
9. Unification of Modern Merchant Law and EU Private Law, Journal of Guizhou University (Social Science Edition), 2013;
10. Three approaches to the application of constitutional rights to private law: From the perspective of the unification of private Law in the European Union, Civil and Commercial Law Review 2012;
11. Report on the Development of the Chinese Legal System, Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, 2012;
12. On the EU Contract Interpretation System and its Enlightenment to China, Soochow Law School, 2011;
13. On the connotation and Historical Evolution of Contract Loyalty, Civil and Commercial Law Collection, 2010;
14. The Development Direction of Modern EU Private Law: Human Rights Protection and Social Justice, Journal of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, 2009;
15. Property Law Commentary on the Draft European Civil Code, Civil and Commercial Law Collection 2009;
16. Review of the Draft European Civil Code, Civil and Commercial Law Collection 2009;
17. Towards Common Social Values: A Comparative Study of the Fundamental Principles of Sino-European Contract Law, Oxford University Comparative Law Forum, 2009.


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