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Personal profile

Special Fellow
√ Doctoral Supervisor √ Master's Supervisor
Colleges and Majors
School of Mechanical and Vehicle Mechanical Engineering
Office Address
Building 5, National Defense Science Park, Beijing Institute of Technology
post 100081
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Research Interests

[1] N Fu, J Deng, Z Wang, D Chen,Dual-Phase-Shift Control Strategy With Switch-Controlled Capacitor for Overall Efficiency Optimization in Wireless Power Transfer System, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Early Access, 2023.
[2] M Li, J Deng, D Chen, W Wang, Y Li, Z Wang, A Minimum ZVS Current Control Strategy of Semi Bridgeless Active Rectifier for Wide Operation Range Based on LCC-S Compensated WPT System, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Early Access, 2023.
[3] B Zhang, J Deng, W Wang, L Li, Z Wang, S Wang, G Guidi, Multi-Objective thermal optimization based on improved analytical thermal models of a 30 kw IPT system for EVs, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Early Access, 2022.
[4] D Chen, J Deng, M Li, Z Wang, Simplified Closed-Form Optimized Trajectories Control for a Dual Active Bridge Converter With ZVS Implementation Over Whole Domain, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (10), 11749-11761, 2022.
[5] D Chen, J Deng, W Wang, Z Wang, A Dual-Transformer-Based Hybrid Dual Active Bridge Converter for Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging to Cope With Wide Load Voltages, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (2), 1444-1454, 2022.
[6] Z Wang, L Li, J Deng, B Zhang, S WangMagnetic Coupler Robust Optimization Design for Electric Vehicle Wireless Charger Based on Improved Simulated Annealing Algorithm, Automotive Innovation 5 (1), 29-42, 2022.
[7] N Fu, J Deng, Z Wang, W Wang, S Wang, A Hybrid Mode Control Strategy for LCC–LCC- Compensated WPT System With Wide ZVS Operation, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (2), 2449-2460, 2021.
[8] D Chen, J Deng, B Zhang, Z Wang, S Wang, A dual-transformer based hybrid semidual active bridge converter for wide voltage range applications utilizing simple segmented control, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (2), 1435-1446, 2021.
[9] D Chen, J Deng, M Li, Z Wang, S Wang, An Enhanced Dual Active Bridge Converter with Full Domain ZVS by Utilizing a Simple Segment Control for Wide Voltage Range Applications, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (7), 6817-6827, 2021.
[10] J Deng, Q Mao, W Wang, L Li, Z Wang, S Wang, G Guidi, Frequency and parameter combined tuning method of LCC–LCC compensated resonant converter with wide coupling variation for EV wireless charger, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 10(1), 956-968, 2021.
[11] J Deng, Y Zhang, S Wang, Z Wang, Y Yang, The design and coupler optimization of a single-transmitter coupled multireceiver inductive power transfer system for maglev trains, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 7 (4), 3173-3184, 2021.
[12] D Chen, J Deng, W Wang, Z Wang, S Wang, A Novel Voltage-Fed Hybrid Bridge Combining Semiactive Rectifier Converter for Wide Voltage Gain, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (1), 365-375, 2021.
[13] L Li, Z Wang, F Gao, S Wang, J Deng, A family of compensation topologies for capacitive power transfer converters for wireless electric vehicle charger, Applied Energy 260, 114156, 2020.
[14] J Deng, B Pang, W Shi, Z Wang, A new integration method with minimized extra coupling effects using inductor and capacitor series-parallel compensation for wireless EV charger, Applied energy 207, 405-416, 2017.
[15] J Deng, W Li, TD Nguyen, S Li, CC Mi, Compact and efficient bipolar coupler for wireless power chargers: Design and analysis, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (11), 6130-6140, 2015.
[1]中挪新能源汽车安全高效应用关键技术研究与示范, 国家重点研发计划项目,主持


Personal Profile:
Deng Junjun, special researcher and doctoral supervisor, has long been engaged in research and teaching in the field of transportation electrification. Presided over 1 national key research and development program project, 2 National Natural Science Foundation projects, presided over 9 technology development projects such as State Grid, CRRC, and aerospace enterprises, and participated in a number of vertical projects above the provincial and ministerial level. He has published more than 40 SCI/EI papers as the first or corresponding author, more than 3,500 Google academic citations, and published and edited 1 book.
Research Direction:
Wireless energy transmission, power electronic conversion, motor drive and control
Enrollment Intention:
Students majoring in mechanical/vehicle/control/Computer/power Electronics are welcome to join the research group to pursue master's and doctoral degrees; Doctoral students in wireless charging, energy management, artificial intelligence and big data technology are welcome to conduct postdoctoral research.

Professional Experience

Personal Profile:
Deng Junjun, special researcher and doctoral supervisor, has long been engaged in research and teaching in the field of transportation electrification. Presided over 1 national key research and development program project, 2 National Natural Science Foundation projects, presided over 9 technology development projects such as State Grid, CRRC, and aerospace enterprises, and participated in a number of vertical projects above the provincial and ministerial level. He has published more than 40 SCI/EI papers as the first or corresponding author, more than 3,500 Google academic citations, and published and edited 1 book.
Research Direction:
Wireless energy transmission, power electronic conversion, motor drive and control
Enrollment Intention:
Students majoring in mechanical/vehicle/control/Computer/power Electronics are welcome to join the research group to pursue master's and doctoral degrees; Doctoral students in wireless charging, energy management, artificial intelligence and big data technology are welcome to conduct postdoctoral research.

Research Achievement

1. Member of the Professional Committee of Radio Energy Transmission Technology, China Electrotechnical Society;
2. Director of Carbon Peak Carbon Neutrality Working Committee of China Transportation Enterprise Management Association;

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


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