Han Jie Job Title: Associate Professor E-mail: han.jie@bit.edu.cn
Professor, doctoral advisor. Study graph theory and combinatorial mathematics and computer theory, subgraph problem in hypergraph. He received his PhD from Georgia State University in 2015 and served as tenure-track Assistant Professor at the University of Rhode Island from 2018 to 2020. He was funded by the Simons Foundation (2019-2024). In 2022, he won the National High-level Young Talent Program and joined the School of Mathematics and Statistics of Beijing Institute of Technology. He has published more than 40 academic papers in journals such as Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, and 7 papers in top computer theory conferences such as SODA.
Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Computer Theory
2015 PhD, Georgia State University
2008 Beijing Institute of Technology Undergraduate Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
2022.6- Professor of Beijing Institute of Technology
2020.11-2022.4 Senior Scientist, Huawei Hong Kong Research Institute
2018.8-2020.8 Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island
2015.3-2018.8 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
2015.9-2016.9 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Birmingham, UK
The decision problem for perfect matchings in dense hypergraphs, with Luyining Gan, ICALP 2022, paper 64, 1-16.
F-factors in quasirandom hypergraphs, with Laihao Ding, Shumin Sun, Guanghui Wang and Wenling Zhou, JLMS, accepted.
Non-linear Hamilton cycles in linear quasi-random hypergraphs, with Xichao Shu and Guanghui Wang. SODA '21, 74-88.
On Perfect Matchings in k-complexes, IMRN, 11(2021), 8741–8762.
Decision problem for Perfect Matchings in Dense k-uniform Hypergraphs, Trans. AMS, 369-7(2017), 5197-5218.
Hiep Han, Jie Han and Yi Zhao. Minimum degree thresholds for Hamilton (k/2)-cycles in k-uniform hypergraphs. JCTB, 153(2022), 105-148.
Jie Han, Matthew Jenssen, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Guilherme Oliveira Mota, and Barnaby Roberts. The multicolour size-Ramsey number of powers of paths. JCTB, 145(2020), 359-375.
Josefran de Oliveira Bastos, Fabricio S. Benevides, and Jie Han. The number of Gallai k-colorings of complete graphs. JCTB, 144(2020), 1-13.
Jie Han and Yi Zhao. Hamiltonicity in randomly perturbed hypergraphs JCTB, 144(2020), 14-31.
Jie Han and Peter Keevash. Finding perfect matchings in dense hypergraphs. SODA 2020, pp. 2366-2377.
Jie Han and Andrew Treglown. The complexity of perfect matchings and packings in dense hypergraphs JCTB, 141(2020), 72-104.
Jie Han and Jaehoon Kim. Two-regular subgraphs of odd-uniform hypergraphs, JCTB, 128(2018) 175-191.
Jie Han and Yi Zhao. Minimum vertex degree threshold for loose Hamilton cycles in 3-uniform hypergraphs JCTB, 114 (2015) 70-96.