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Personal profile

Personal profile

Chen Jianbin Job Title: Assistant Professor E-mail:
Postdoctoral fellow of Purdue University, Doctor of Statistics Department of Nankai University, Bachelor of Lanzhou University. He has visited Penn State University and the University of Georgia. His research interests include experimental design, additive sequence testing, computer testing, industrial statistics, data quality management, applied statistics, etc. In the European Journal of Operational Research, Technometrics, Statistica Sinica, Information Sciences, Computers & Industrial He has published many papers in authoritative journals such as Engineering at home and abroad.

Research Interests

Experimental design, additive sequence testing, computer testing, Industrial statistics, data quality management, Applied statistics


2009-09 to 2016-06, Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Lanzhou University (Tutors: Prof. Peng Zhao, Prof. Zhouping Li)
2016-09 to 2020-06 Doctor of Statistics, Nankai University (Supervisor: Professor Minqian Liu)

Professional Experience

2022-09 till now Assistant Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Beijing Institute of Technology 2020-08 to 2022-07, Department of Statistics, Purdue University, Postdoctoral Fellow, Co-Supervisor: Professor Lin Kangjin
2019-11 to 2020-05, Department of Statistics, Georgia State University, Visiting Scholar, Supervisor: Professor Ma Ping, Professor Zhong Wenxuan
2018-10 to 2019-10, Department of Statistics, Penn State University, Joint doctoral training, Supervisor: Professor Lin Gongjin

Research Achievement

(# equal contribution; corresponding author *)
1. Yu, H. Y.#, and Chen, J. B.#* (2022). Treatment effect identication using two-level designs with partially ignorable missing data. Information Sciences, 611, 277--300.
2. Han, X. X.#, Chen, J. B.#, Yang, J. F. and Liu, M. Q.(2022). Individual word length patterns for fractional factorial designs and fractional factorial split-plot designs. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, accepted.
3. Lin, D. K. J. and Chen, J. B. * (2022). Adaptive order-of-addition experiments via the quick-sort algorithm. Technometrics, accepted.
4. Chen, J. B., Han, X. X., Lin, D. K. J., Yang, L. Q. and Zhou, Y. D. (2022). On ordering problems: a statistical approach. Statistica Sinica, forthcoming.
5. Chen, J. B.*, Peng, J. Y. and Lin, D. K. J. (2021). A statistical perspective on non-deterministic polynomial-time hard ordering problems: making use of design for order-of-addition experiments. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 162, 107773.
6. Chen, J. B.*, Mukerjee R. and Lin D.K.J. (2020). Construction of optimal fractional order-of-addition designs via block designs. Statistics Probability Letters, 161,
7. Winker P., Chen, J. B.* and Lin D. K. J. (2020). The construction of optimal design for order-of-addition experiment via threshold accepting. In Fan, J. and Pan, J. (eds) Contemporary Design of Experiments, Multivariate Analysis and Data mining, 93--109, Springer.
8. Han, X. X.#, Chen, J. B.#, Liu, M. Q. and Zhao, S. L. (2019). Asymmetrical split-plot designs with clear effects. Metrika, 83(7), 779--798.
9. Chen, J. B., Zhang Y. Y. and Zhao P. (2019). Comparisons of extreme order statistics from two sets of heterogeneous negative binomial variables. Statistics, 53, 990-1011.
10. Zhao, P., Zhang, Y. Y. and Chen, J. B. (2017). Optimal allocation policy of one redundancy in a n-component series system. European Journal of Operational Research, 257, 656-668.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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