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Personal profile

Personal profile

Title: Pre-appointed Assistant Professor
Contact number:
Department: Optical Physics
Address: Central Teaching Building, Zhongguancun Campus, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Interests

Basic research on the application of solid-state microwave quantum devices at room temperature. Subdivision direction:
1. Research on maser enhanced quantum (magnetic) sensing technology [involving microwave electronics, measurement technology and instruments];
2. Research on ultra low noise microwave amplification and generation technology based on solid state quantum system [involving microwave electronics, electromagnetic field and microwave technology, measurement technology and instruments];
3. Electron paramagnetic resonance of organic molecular crystals [related to materials science and engineering, physical chemistry];
4. Microwave cavity quantum Electrodynamics research [involving atomic and molecular physics, physical electronics, quantum optics]


2017-2020 Imperial College London, PhD, Materials Research, Tutor: Prof. Mark Oxborrow
2015-2016 Imperial College London, Master of Science and Engineering in Advanced Materials, Tutor: Prof. Mark Oxborrow
2014-2015 University of Sheffield, Chemistry, BA
2011-2014 Nanjing University of Technology, Chemistry, B.S.

Professional Experience

2023-present Assistant Professor, School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology
2021-2023, School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Teli Postdoctoral Fellow, Co-supervisor: Professor/Academician Ge Meilin

Research Achievement

He has been engaged in basic research on the application of room temperature maser technology based on solid state quantum systems for a long time, breaking the dependence of traditional solid state quantum microwave devices on low temperature, and developing new technical means for complex microwave information processing scenarios such as new system radar, qubit manipulation and readout, and quantum sensing. Some academic achievements have been made in the research fields of maser enhanced quantum sensing, cavity quantum cooling based on solid state spin, molecular spin mechanics, and high-quality preparation of maser gain media. The representative papers are as follows [# Co-first author, * Corresponding author] :
1. Hao Wu#, Shuo Yang#, Mark Oxborrow, Min Jiang, Qing Zhao, Dmitry Budker, Bo Zhang*, Jiangfeng Du, Enhanced quantum sensing with room-temperature solid-state masers, Science Advances, 8, eade1613 (2022)
2. Hao Wu, Shamil Mirkhanov, Wern Ng, Mark Oxborrow*, Bench-top cooling of a microwave mode using an optically pumped spin refrigerator, Physical Review Letters, 127 (5), 053604 (2021)
3. Hao Wu#, Tong Li#, Zhang-Qi Yin, Jiyang Ma*, Xu-Ri Yao, Bo Zhang, Mark Oxborrow, Qing Zhao, Towards simultaneous coherent radiation in the visible and microwave bands with doped molecular crystals, Advanced Functional Materials, 33 (24), 2300253 (2023)
4. Hao Wu, Xiangyu Xie, Wern Ng, Seif Mehanna, Yingxu Li, Max Attwood, Mark Oxborrow*, Room-temperature quasi-continuous-wave pentacene maser pumped by an invasive Ce:YAG luminescent concentrator, Physical Review Applied, 14 (6), 064017 (2020)
5. Hao Wu*, Shamil Mirkhanov, Wern Ng, Kuan-Cheng Chen, Yuling Xiong, Mark Oxborrow*, Invasive optical pumping for room-temperature masers, time-resolved EPR, triplet-DNP, and quantum engines exploiting strong coupling, Optics Express, 28 (20), 29691-29702 (2020)
6. Hao Wu, Shamil Mirkhanov, Arman Amirzhan, Supamas Nitnara & Mark Oxborrow*, Unraveling the room-temperature spin dynamics of photoexcited pentacene in its lowest triplet state at zero field, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 24275-24279 (2019)

Presided over the following research projects:
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Foundation Project, 2023.01-2025.12, in Progress
2. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, the 16th Batch of Special Grants (Center), 2023.08-2023.11, Conclusion
3. Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China, Second Class of the 70th Batch, 2021.11-2023.11, Conclusion
4. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, International Exchange Program Introduction Project, 2021.06-2023.06, Conclusion

Honors and Awards:
1. Beijing Institute of Technology 2023 Outstanding Postdoc
2. Winner of the 7th China Innovation Challenge and the 6th Emerging Fields Competition in Zhongguancun
3. Member of the 2023 Global Young Scientists Summit in Singapore
4. Postdoctoral Fellow, Beijing Institute of Technology
5. McLean Medal for Outstanding PhD Graduates of Imperial College London


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