Title: Senior
Contact number:
Department: Condensed Matter Physics
E-mail: wuhc@bit.edu.cn
Mailing Address: Lishu Building A309
In recent years, he is mainly engaged in the research of spin transport, photoelectric properties and sensing mechanisms in low-dimensional quantum systems such as spintronics, nanomagnetics and graphene, with particular attention to the use of defects to control device performance.
2005-2008 PhD, Physics, Trinity College, Ireland
2001-2004 Master of Physics, Tsinghua University
1997-2001 Anhui University, Electronic Materials and Components, BA
2014-present Researcher, School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology
2013-2014 Visiting Professor, Abdurranami Centre, King Saud University
2008-2013 Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Physics, Trinity College, Ireland
In Nature Communications, Science Advances, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Energy, APL, PRB and other top international journals in the field of physics and nanotechnology have published more than 100 SCI papers, and 1 authorized invention patent. He is the editor of the international journal SPIN, the National Natural Science Foundation youth, face, major project review expert, the National Patent Award review expert and the national key research and development project video review expert. He won the second prize of teaching achievements of Beijing Institute of Technology in 2017 and 2022, and the second prize of Beijing Teaching achievements in 2017.
Representative papers (* Corresponding author)
1. Wenjie Yan, Huei-Ru Fuh, Yanhui Lv, Ke-Qiu Chen, Tsung-Yin Tsai, Yuh-Renn Wu, Tung-Ho Shieh, Kuan-Ming Hung*, Juncheng Li, Duan Zhang, Cormac O Coileain, Sunil K. Arora, Zhi Wang, Zhaotan Jiang, Ching-Ray Chang, and Han-Chun Wu*, Nature Communications 12, 2018 (2021).
2. Han-Chun Wu*, Alexander N. Chaika*, Ming-Chien Hsu, Tsung-Wei Huang, Mourad Abid, Mohamed Abid, Victor Yu. Aristov, Olga V. Molodtsova, Sergey V. Babenkov, Yuran Niu, Barry E. Murphy, Sergey A. Krasnikov, Olaf Lubben, Huajun Liu, Byong Sun Chun, Yahya T. Janabi, Sergei N. Molotkov, Igor V. Shvets, Alexander I. Lichtenstein, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, and Ching-Ray Chang*, Nature Communications 8, 14453 (2017)
3. Han-Chun Wu*, Alexander N. Chaika*, Tsung-Wei Huang, Askar Syrlybeko, Mourad Abid, Victor Yu. Aristov, Olga V. Molodtsova, Sergey V. Babenkov, Dmitry Marchenko, Jaime Sanchez-Barriga, Partha S. Mandal, Andrei Varykhalov, Yuran Niu, Barry E. Murphy, Sergey A. Krasnikov, Olaf Lubben, Jing-Jing Wang, Huajun Liu, Li Yang, Hong-Zhou Zhang, Mohamed Abid, Ching-Ray Chang, and Igor V. Shvets, ACS Nano 9, 8967 (2015)
4. Han-chun Wu*, Mourad Abid, Ye Cun Wu, Cormac O Coileain, Askar Syrlybekov, Jun Feng Han, Cheng Lin Heng, Huajun Liu, Mohamed Abid, and Igor V. Shvets, ACS Nano 9, 7207 (2015)
5. Han-Chun Wu*, Mohamed Abid, Alan Kalitsov, Pavel Zarzhitsky, Mourad Abid, Zhi-Min Liao, Cormac O Coileain, Hongjun Xu, Jing-Jing Wang, Huajun Liu, Oleg N. Mryasov, Ching-Ray Chang*, and Igor V. Shvets, Advanced Functional Materials 26, 5884 (2016).
6. Han-Chun Wu*, Zhi-Min Liao, R.G.S. Sofin, Gen Feng, A. B. Shick, Oleg N. Mryasov, and Igor V. Shvets, Advanced Materials 24, 6374 (2012).
7. Han-Chun Wu*, M. Abid, B. S. Chun, R. Ramos, O. N. Mryasov, and I. V. Shvets, Nano Letters 10, 1132 (2010).
8. Zhi-Min Liao*, Han-Chun Wu*, S. Kumar, G. S. Duesberg, G.L.W. Cross, I. V. Shvets, and Da-Peng Yu, Advanced Materials 24, 1862 (2012) .
9. Li He, Z. M. Liao*, Han-Chun Wu*, X. X. Tian, D. S. Xu, G. L. W. Cross, G. S. Duesberg, I. V. Shvets, and D. P. Yu*, Nano Letters 11, 4601 (2011) .
10. Ye-Cun Wu, Huei-Ru Fuh, Duan Zhang, Cormac O Coileain, Hongjun Xu, Jiung Cho, Miri Choi, Byong Sun Chun, Xuju Jiang, Mourad Abid, Mohamed Abid, Huajun Liu, Jing Jing Wang, Igor V. Shvets, Ching-Ray Chang*, Han-Chun Wu*, Nano Energy 32, 157–164 (2017)
11. Gang Wu, Hee-Suk Chung, Tae-Sung Bae, Jiung Cho*, Kuo-Chih Lee, Hung Hsiang Cheng*, Cormac O Coileain, Kuan-Ming Hung, Ching-Ray Chang, and Han-Chun Wu*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 51, 61799-61808 (2021).
12. Yue Zhao, Tsung-Yin Tsai, Gang Wu, Cormac O Coileain, Yan-Feng Zhao, Duan Zhang, Kuan-Ming Hung, Ching-Ray Chang, Yuh-Renn Wu*, and Han-Chun Wu*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13, 39, 47198-47207 (2021).
13. Chengzhai Lv, Wenjie Yan, Tung-Ho Shieh, Yue Zhao, Gang Wu, Yanfeng Zhao, Yanhui Lv, Duan Zhang, Yanhui Chen, Sunil K. Arora, Cormac O Coileain, Ching-Ray Chang, Hung Hsiang Cheng, Kuan-Ming Hung,* and Han-Chun Wu*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (8), 15830−15836 (2020).
14. Wenjie Yan, Chengzhai Lv, Duan Zhang, Yanhui Chen, Lei Zhang, Cormac O Coileain, Zhi Wang, Zhaotan Jiang, K. -M. Hung, Ching-Ray Chang, and Han-Chun Wu*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 26746-26754(2020).
15. Hongjun Xu, Hsin-Pan Huang, HaiFeng Fei, Jiafeng Feng, Huei-Ru Fuh, Jiung Cho, Miri Choi, Yanhui Chen, Lei Zhang, Dengyun Chen, Duan Zhang, Cormac O Coileain, Xiufeng Han, Ching-Ray Chang, and Han-Chun Wu*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (8), 8202-8209 (2019).
16. Oscar Leonardo Camargo Moreira, Wei-Ying Cheng, Huei-Ru Fuh, Wei-Chen Chien, Wenjie Yan, Haifeng Fei, Hongjun Xu, Duan Zhang, Yanhui Chen, Yanfeng Zhao, Yanhui Lv, Gang Wu, Chengzhai Lv, Sunil K. Arora, Cormac O Coileain, Chenglin Heng, Ching-Ray Chang, and Han-Chun Wu*, ACS Sensor 4 (9), 2546-2552 (2019).