Guoyu Wang

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Date of Birth:
Discipline: Beijing Institute of Technology Law School
Title: Professor
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Wang Guoyu (1979-), PhD in Law and Economics, Associate Professor, School of Law, Beijing Institute of Technology, Deputy Director, Institute of Space Law, Beijing Institute of Technology. Legal Advisor for Outer Space Law, Lunar Exploration and Space Engineering Center, National Space Administration (2016-); Space Security Advisor, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (2015-2016); Senior Fellow, Chatham House, United Kingdom (2014-2016); Visiting Scholar, National Center for Remote Sensing and Aerospace Law, University of Mississippi (2011-2012). As a member of the Chinese delegation, legal adviser and expert of the Working Group on Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space of the United Nations Committee on Outer Space Affairs, he has participated in a series of United Nations conferences and meetings of the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee on many occasions. On behalf of China, he has participated in the technical cooperation in outer space and the negotiation and drafting of international rules on outer space on many occasions.

Research Interests

International space law, Space law, international space politics. His research expertise includes the international rule of law and China's voice in outer space security, including legal and policy analysis of space debris and outer space arms control, outer space natural resources development and exploitation, outer space nuclear power source application, remote sensing data, as well as US space legislation and Chinese space legislation.

Research Achievement

(1) Space Environmental Safety, Space debris and Space Legislation 1. Analysis of the Development Trend of the International Mechanism of Space Debris, Spacecraft Environmental Engineering, No. 4, 2015, Chinese Science and Technology Core, independent author;
2. "Jurisdiction over Space Debris and Legal Basis for Active Removal of Space Debris", Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition), No. 6, 2014, Independent author, CSSCI;
3. "On the Obligations, Responsibilities and Principles of Active Removal of Space Debris", China Aerospace, No. 10, 2014, independent author;
4. "On the Necessity and Feasibility of China's Space Law Legislation", Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition), 2012 (6), independent author, CSSCI;
5. "The Origin of the American Space Legal System", China Aerospace, No.9, 2013, the first author, Chinese Social Science Core;
6. "The Legal System of Space Management in the United States", proposed in "China Space", No. 11, 2013, first author, Chinese Social Science Core;
7. "On the National Mechanism of Space Debris Mitigation", China Aerospace, No. 4, 2011, independent author, Chinese Social Science Core;
8. "On the Construction of a National Mechanism for Space Debris Mitigation in China", China Aerospace, No. 8, 2010, independent author, Chinese Social Science Core;
(2) Negotiation on international Rules for Outer Space Security 9. "United Nations Expert Group on the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities" (80,000 words), submitted to the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, 2016;
10.The “Flaws” of the PPWT: True or false? --THE WAY FORWARD FOR ARMS CONTROL IN OUTER SPACE, Security Index,Russia 2015.12.
11.Space Crisis Management: A Collaborative Approach for Europe and China, Chatham House Research Draft Report, 2014.
12. "Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities" and China's Response, "China Aerospace", 2012, No. 6, independent author, Chinese Social Science Core;
13. "Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures in Outer Space and China's Position", China Aerospace, No. 9, 2012, independent author, Chinese Social Science Core;
14. "The First Governmental Expert Group Meeting on Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures in Outer Space and China's Response", China Aerospace, No. 9, 2012, independent author, Chinese Social Science Core;
(3) Lunar Exploration and Deep Space Exploration
15. Deep Space Exploration Space Law Research (14,000 words), 2016 Bureau Key Work Report of Science, Technology and Industry Administration of National Defense, 2016;
16. Analysis on the Status Quo and Development of International Rules for the Application of Space Nuclear Power Sources, China Aerospace, No.9, 2016, First author;
17.Who Owns Natural Resources on Asteroid, First author of Proceedings of the 58th International Space Law Forum, 2015;
18. Prelude to the Outer Space Mining Race? - Legal and Policy Analysis of Planetary Mining Legislation in the United States, International Space, No.5, 2016, independent author;
19. Analysis and Response to the "2015 Law on Exploration and Utilization of Outer Space Resources" of the United States, China Aerospace, No. 12, 2015, Independent author, Chinese Social Science Core;
(4) Other
20. "The Concept and Practice of Cooperation and Competition in the New European Space Policy", Hebei Law School, 2010 (2), Independent author, Law Core;
21.“Comparison Analysis on Legal Application of Infringements Specified in < Rome Ⅱ> Concurrently Discussing Inspiration on Our Legislation ", European Law and Economic Review (Foreign Language Journal), June 2010, Independent author;
22. "On the Legal Application of Infringements related to the International Space Station - from the perspective of European Space Agency Member States", Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Social Science Edition), No.6, 2010, independent author;
23. "Nationality Connection in Space Law in the Context of Outer Space Commercialization", Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition), 6 (2011), Independent author, CSSCI;
24.Analysis of the Applicable Law to a Private Spaceflight Contract under the Latest Chinese Conflict Rules Legislation, Independent author, Proceedings of the 54th International Space Law Forum, 2011;
25. Analysis of the Relationship between Common Heritage, Common Property and Common Wealth: Translation or Confusion of Views? , Space Law Newsletter, January 2012, independent author;
26. "Nationality Connection in Space Law", Hebei Law, No. 3, 2012, independent author, Chinese Social Science Core;
27.Comparison of Selected Space Law Terms of Art in Chinese and English Versions of The U.N. Space Treaties , Journal of Space Law, Volume 38, 2012(2).


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