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Personal profile

Personal profile

Bae Kwang-young Assistant Professor/Special Associate Researcher
Disciplines: Biomedical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
Direction: Medical Signal Processing, brain-Computer interface technology
Office Address: Beijing Institute of Technology National Defense Science Park 6#301
Guangying Pei is a special associate researcher and assistant professor at the School of Medical Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology. He has a research background in the fields of biology, machinery and computer, and is mainly engaged in the interdisciplinary research of biomedical engineering. He has published 17 articles as the first/corresponding author, granted 4 patents, won 2 provincial and ministerial scientific research awards, and hosted 1 national Natural Youth Project.

Research Interests

He is mainly engaged in interdisciplinary research of biomedical engineering, and his current research interests are:
1. Research on brain cognitive mechanism, mainly using EEG and NMR technology to explore the cognitive mechanism of healthy brain and the mechanism of brain function disease of patients, and combining machine learning algorithms to build disease classification models to provide theoretical basis for brain function research and clinical diagnosis and treatment.
2. Research on brain function regulation technology, mainly building brain-computer interface hardware and software platform, using neural/biofeedback technology to non-invasculatively regulate cognitive function and improve clinical symptoms, and providing non-invasive means for healthy brain function optimization and disease treatment.


2016-2020 Doctor of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology
2019-2020 Imperial College Joint PhD in Computer Science
2009-2016 Bachelor, Master of Biotechnology, Liaoning Normal University

Professional Experience

2016-2020 Doctor of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology
2019-2020 Imperial College Joint PhD in Computer Science
2009-2016 Bachelor, Master of Biotechnology, Liaoning Normal University
2020-2023 Postdoctoral Fellow, Beijing Institute of Technology
2023-present Assistant Professor/Special Associate Researcher, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Achievement

1. Excellent Instructor Award of the 10th "Sharing Cup" Competition (2023)
2. First Prize of Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of China Invention Association (2021)
3. Second Prize of Liaoning Province Natural Science Academic Achievement (2016)

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being


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