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Personal profile

Personal profile

Associate Professor
√ Doctoral Supervisor √ Master's Supervisor
Colleges and Majors
Department of Energy and Power Engineering, School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering Office Address
J205, Engine West Building, Zhongguancun Campus
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By mail

Research Interests

[1] Enhua Wang, Jingwen Mao, Bo Zhang, Yongzhen Wang. On the CAMD method based on PC-SAFT for working fluid design of a high-temperature organic Rankine cycle. Energy 2023;263:125935.
[2] Mengru Zhang, Enhua Wang*, Jingwen Mao, et al. Performance analysis of a metal-supported intermediate-temperature solid oxide electrolysis cell. Frontiers in Energy Research 2022;10:888787.
[3] Mengru Zhang, Lisha An, Enhua Wang*, et al. Effects of sintering parameters on the low-temperature densification of GDC electrolyte based on an orthogonal experiment. Catalysts 2022;12:831.
[4] Enhua Wang, Mengru Zhang, Fanxiao Meng, Hongguang Zhang. Zeotropic working fluid selection for an organic Rankine cycle bottoming with a marine engine. Energy 2022;243:123097.
[5] Fanxiao Meng, Enhua Wang*, Bo Zhang. Possibility of optimal efficiency prediction of an organic Rankine cycle based on molecular property method for high-temperature exhaust gases. Energy 2021;222:119974.
[6] Ningjian Peng, Enhua Wang⁎, Fanxiao Meng. Off-design performance comparison of single-stage axial turbines using CO2 and zeotropic mixture for low-temperature heat source. Energy Conversion and Management 2020; 213:112838.
[7] Fanxiao Meng, Enhua Wang⁎, Bo Zhang, Fujun Zhang, Changlu Zhao. Thermo-economic analysis of transcritical CO2 power cycle and comparison with Kalina cycle and ORC for a low-temperature heat source. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 195: 1295–1308.
[8] Chenyao Wang, Fujun Zhang, Enhua Wang⁎, Chuncun Yu, Hongli Gao, Bolan Liu, Zhenfeng Zhao, Changlu Zhao. Experimental study on knock suppression of spark-ignition engine fueled with kerosene via water injection. Applied Energy 2019; 242: 248–259.
[9] Enhua Wang, Zhibin Yu, Peter Collings. Dynamic control strategy of a distillation system for a composition-adjustable organic Rankine cycle. Energy 2017; 141: 1038-1051.
[10] Enhua Wang, Zhibin Yu, Fujun Zhang. Investigation on efficiency improvement of a Kalina cycle by sliding condensation pressure method. Energy Conversion and Management 2017; 151: 123–135.
[11] Enhua Wang, Zhibin Yu, Hongguang Zhang, Fubin Yang. A regenerative supercritical-subcritical dual-loop organic Rankine cycle system for energy recovery from the waste heat of internal combustion engines. Applied Energy 2017; 190: 574-590.
[1] 国家重点研发计划子课题,2021YFB2500404,SOFC 系统控制与快速启动技术研究, 2021/12-2025/12.
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51876009,船用柴油机与非共沸工质有机朗肯循环耦合工作机理研究,2019/01-2022/12.
[3] 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,202102604001,氢燃料电池课程体系建设,2022/01-2022/12.


1. Modeling and system control of solid oxide fuel cells and electrolytic cells
2. In-pile flow and heat Transfer Simulation of solid oxide fuel cell and electrolytic cell
3. Preparation and Performance testing of metal supported solid oxide fuel cells and electrolytic cell stacks
4. Design and Analysis of low-temperature power circulation system

Professional Experience

1. Modeling and system control of solid oxide fuel cells and electrolytic cells
2. In-pile flow and heat Transfer Simulation of solid oxide fuel cell and electrolytic cell
3. Preparation and Performance testing of metal supported solid oxide fuel cells and electrolytic cell stacks
4. Design and Analysis of low-temperature power circulation system

Research Achievement

Member of the Scientific Committee of the International ORC Conference, Features editor of the journal "Frontiers in Energy Research", Academic Editor of InTech Press.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 14 - Life Below Water


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