Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1993 …2023

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Won the second prize of the 8th Beijing Youth Excellent Scientific and Technological Paper Selection in 2005, and Tetrahedron in 2007: Asymmetry Most Cited Paper Award 2004-2007, selected as the New Century Outstanding Talents of the Ministry of Education in 2007, selected as the Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Teachers Support Program of Beijing Institute of Technology in 2008, and won the Thieme Journal Award in 2009. He was selected as a Highly Cited Scholar of Elsevier China for two consecutive years in 2020 and 2021. He has been a member of ChemistrySelect journal since 2016, and a guest editor of Molecules journal since 2022. Many of the graduate students have won the national scholarship, one has won the Academic Newcomer Award of the Ministry of Education, and one has been selected into the post-doctoral innovative Talent Support program. Supervised one doctoral candidate to win the Outstanding doctoral dissertation Award of Peking University, and supervised three postgraduate students to win the outstanding master's dissertation award of Beijing Institute of Technology.

Research Interests

His research interests mainly focus on the intersection of organic chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry, aiming to develop new chiral ligands and catalysts, achieve high stereoselective control of organic reactions, and highly selective preparation of chiral drug intermediates and bioactive heterocyclic compounds. 1. Design and synthesis of new chiral ligands, metal complex catalysts and organic small molecule catalysts, and research on asymmetric catalytic reactions; develop efficient and highly selective asymmetric catalytic synthesis processes. To develop green synthesis techniques for bioactive heterocyclic compounds and drug intermediates.


1992.09-1995.06 Nankai University, Major in Organic Chemistry, Doctor of Science
1989.09-1992.07 Nankai University, Master of Science in Organic Chemistry 1985.09-1989.07 Zhengzhou University, Bachelor of Science in Organic Chemistry

Professional Experience

2016.07-present School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
2008.09-2016.06 School of Chemical Engineering and Environment, Beijing Institute of Technology, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
2001.04-2008.08 School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
1999.04-2001.03 Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University 1995.07-1999.03 Lecturer and Associate Professor, School of Chemistry, Shandong University (Visiting scholar and postdoctoral researcher, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Research Achievement

So far, he has published more than 210 academic papers in academic journals at home and abroad, of which more than 200 are included in SCI, and 13 patents have been authorized. The paper has been cited more than 5,000 times by others and has an H-index of 42. He has presided over seven projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, one project of the Ministry of Education's New Century Outstanding Talents Support Program, one project of the Beijing Institute of Technology's Outstanding Young and middle-aged Teachers Support program, one project of the Beijing Institute of Technology's Science and Technology Innovation Program, and six projects of enterprise horizontal cooperation; Participated in the National Natural Science Foundation innovation group and surface project, the national science and technology plan project four. In recent years, we have designed and synthesized many new series of chiral ligands and organic small molecule catalysts, and studied the catalytic activity and mechanism of metal complex catalysts and organic small molecule catalysts with new ligands in various organic reactions. Some new methods for synthesis of important chiral blocks and bioactive heterocyclic compounds by asymmetric catalysis with high efficiency and selectivity have been developed, and a series of important research results have been obtained. 1. Designed and synthesized several series of novel C2-symmetric chiral dioxazoline, dithiazoline and diimidazoline ligands, and developed some efficient and highly selective asymmetric Michael addition reaction, Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction, Henry reaction and other new methods for synthesizing chiral blocks and heterocyclic compounds. The asymmetric Michael addition reaction between nitroalkanes and β-nitroolefin catalyzed by double zinc complex was achieved for the first time, and two chiral centers were selectively catalyzed to obtain chiral 1, 3-dinitro compounds. 2. Design and synthesize a series of chiral cubic amide catalysts, Developed a variety of potential biological activity of indole four hydrogen oxygen indole twin screw, the screw oxygen quinoline and indole screw oxygen pyrazolone quinoline, screw pyrazolone 4 hydrogen, sulfur, color full, screw sulfur color with ketone, four hydrogen quinoline and color full, pyran and pyrazole, pyrazolone, Margaret ketone many chiral center of heterocyclic compounds such as high efficiency, high stereoselectivity catalytic asymmetric synthesis. 3. The metal catalyst and the organic small molecule catalyst were cleverly combined, and the asymmetric electrophilic fluorination was achieved by the innovative use of the dithiazoline-Cu (OTf)2 system, and the asymmetric Michael addition/cyclization tandem reaction was catalyzed by the cubic amide catalyst to achieve the highly stereoselective synthesis of fluorine-containing aminopyrane derivatives. 4. A new type of chiral organic phosphate catalyst was innovatively designed to achieve the high stereoselective transfer hydrogenation of quinoline and its derivatives to tetrahydroquinoline derivatives. 5. Designed and synthesized a series of new C3 symmetric chiral ligands, which obtained excellent catalytic effects in alkynylation and borane reduction reactions, providing a new research idea for asymmetric catalytic reactions.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being


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