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Personal profile

Personal profile

√ Doctoral Supervisor √ Master's Supervisor
Colleges and Majors
College of Machinery and Vehicle Engineering
Office Address
Beijing Institute of Technology Vehicle Key Laboratory Building 507
post 100081
Office Phone
By mail

Research Interests

[1] A novel multi-model probability battery state of charge estimation approach for electric vehicles using H-infinity algorithm; APPLIED ENERGY; 166(2016): 76-83; Lin, Cheng; Mu, Hao; Xiong, Rui*; Shen, Weixiang
[2] A novel H∞ and EKF joint estimation method for determining the center of gravity position of electric vehicles; APPLIED ENERGY; 194(2017): 609-616; Lin, Cheng; Gong, Xinle*; Xiong, Rui; Xingqun Cheng*
[3]Multi-model probabilities based state fusion estimation method of lithium-ion battery for electric vehicles: State-of-energy; APPLIED ENERGY; 194(2017): 560-568; Lin, Cheng; Mu, Hao; Xiong, Rui*; Jiayi Cao
[4]Evaluation of electrochemical models based battery state-of-charge estimation approaches for electric vehicles; APPLIED ENERGY; 207(2017): 394-404; Lin, Cheng; Tang, Aihua*; Xing, Jile
[5]A study on the impact of open circuit voltage tests on state of charge estimation for lithium-ion batteries; APPLIED ENERGY; 205(2017): 892-902; Lin, Cheng; Yu, Quanqing; Xiong, Rui*; Wang, Le Yi
[6]Detecting undesired lithium plating on anodes for lithium-ion batteries-A review on the in-situ methods; APPLIED ENERGY; 300(2021); Yu Tian,Cheng Lin,Hailong Li,Jiuyu Du,Rui Xiong
[7]Optimal energy management strategy of a novel hybrid dual-motor transmission system for electric vehicles; APPLIED ENERGY; 321(2022): 119395; Xiao,Yu; Cheng,Lin*; Mingjie,Zhao; Jiang,Yi,Yue,Su;Huimin,Liu
[8]A novel real-time energy management strategy based on Monte Carlo Tree Search for coupled powertrain platform via vehicle-to-cloud connectivity;Energy; 256(2022); Xiao,Yu; Cheng,Lin*; Peng,Xie; Sheng,Liang
[9]Variable duty cycle heating strategy based online two-dimensional model for self-heating lithium-ion battery; Journal of Energy Storage; 55(2022):105572; Cheng,Lin; Zhenyi,Tao;Yu,Tian
[10]Deep neural network-driven in-situ detection and quantification of lithium plating on anodes in commercial lithium-ion batteries; EcoMat; (2022):e12280; Yu,Tian; Cheng,Lin*; Hailong,Li; Jiuyu,Du; Rui,Xiong
[1] 北京市科技奥运重大专项:“奥运用纯电动客车整车优化及制造”(2005-2008)
[2] 国家863计划重大专项:“纯电动客车动力系统技术平台研究开发” (2006-2008)
[3] 国家863计划重大专项:“纯电动商用车(M3/N3类)动力系统平台技术攻关(2011-2013)
[4] 国家重点科技计划项目:“高性能纯电动大客车动力平台关键技术”(2017-2020)
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“电动汽车新型双电机防滑差速驱动系统原理与实现研究” (2011-2015)
[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“分布式电驱动汽车新构型及多维优化控制理论研究” (2016-2019)
[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“双电机无动力中断自动变速驱动系统构型及控制理论研究”(2020-2023)
[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“车用全气候动力电池极速无损自加热机理及控制理论研究”(2023-2026)


Personal Profile:
Lin Cheng, Doctor of Engineering, Distinguished professor of Beijing Institute of Technology, doctoral supervisor, Professor of Vehicle discipline, Chief scientist of National Engineering Research Center for Electric Vehicles, director of Beijing Engineering Research Center for Electric Vehicles, member of China Automotive Engineering Society, national high-level leading talents. He has been engaged in the teaching and research of the general theory of automobiles and vehicle electrification technology for a long time. He served as the person in charge of a number of national 863 major projects, National major research and development projects, National Natural Science Foundation projects and Beijing electric vehicle major projects. He has published more than 100 SCI/EI papers in major academic journals at home and abroad, presided over the compilation of 5 professional works and textbooks, and obtained more than 50 invention patents. As the first three core members, they won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress, the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of Beijing Science and Technology Progress, the first prize of science and technology of China Automobile Industry, and the first prize of science and technology of machinery industry. Served as the chief engineer of the 2008 Beijing Olympic electric bus, successfully applied to the core area of the Olympic Games, won the "2008 Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games national advanced individual", led the research and development of high-performance all-climate electric bus power platform technology successfully applied to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, promoting the industrialization and large-scale application of the above achievements. The standard system of electric commercial vehicle powertrain platform has been created.
Research Direction:
Electric vehicle power system platform technology, Vehicle electric drive and intelligent control technology, Automotive dynamics, Body structure lightweight

Professional Experience

Personal Profile:
Lin Cheng, Doctor of Engineering, Distinguished professor of Beijing Institute of Technology, doctoral supervisor, Professor of Vehicle discipline, Chief scientist of National Engineering Research Center for Electric Vehicles, director of Beijing Engineering Research Center for Electric Vehicles, member of China Automotive Engineering Society, national high-level leading talents. He has been engaged in the teaching and research of the general theory of automobiles and vehicle electrification technology for a long time. He served as the person in charge of a number of national 863 major projects, National major research and development projects, National Natural Science Foundation projects and Beijing electric vehicle major projects. He has published more than 100 SCI/EI papers in major academic journals at home and abroad, presided over the compilation of 5 professional works and textbooks, and obtained more than 50 invention patents. As the first three core members, they won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress, the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Education, the first prize of Beijing Science and Technology Progress, the first prize of science and technology of China Automobile Industry, and the first prize of science and technology of machinery industry. Served as the chief engineer of the 2008 Beijing Olympic electric bus, successfully applied to the core area of the Olympic Games, won the "2008 Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games national advanced individual", led the research and development of high-performance all-climate electric bus power platform technology successfully applied to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, promoting the industrialization and large-scale application of the above achievements. The standard system of electric commercial vehicle powertrain platform has been created.
Research Direction:
Electric vehicle power system platform technology, Vehicle electric drive and intelligent control technology, Automotive dynamics, Body structure lightweight

Research Achievement

[1] Member of China Automotive Engineering Society
[2] Executive Director of China Energy Society
[3] Beijing New Energy Vehicle Technical Expert Group Expert

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


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