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Personal profile

Personal profile

He is mainly engaged in the development of advanced materials, multi-physical field simulation and reliability research of high specific energy lithium-ion battery negative electrode materials, positive electrode materials, electrode/electrolyte interface. He presided over and participated in 4 military vertical projects, 2 National Natural Science Foundation projects, 1 Aerospace Science and Technology Foundation project, and 1 young talent project of Beijing Institute of Technology. In J. Energy Chem., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Fuel Process. Technol. He has published more than 10 SCI papers in other journals (including 1 ESI highly cited paper and 2 cover papers), 2 authorized invention patents, and participated in the compilation of 1 textbook of Modern Chemical Power Sources (ISBN: 978-7-122-30066-9). Excellent Class Teacher of Beijing Institute of Technology in 2016, Excellent Education Tutor of Teli Academy in 2022; The first Prize of Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Education in 2017, the backbone member of the "National Petroleum and Chemical Education Excellent Teaching Team" in 2019, and the young director of the Chinese Granular Society.

Research Interests

His research interests are in advanced energy materials, including lithium metal batteries, solid lithium sulfur batteries, lithium ion batteries, heavy crude oil mining and other fields. He has presided over 2 longitudinal projects of military port, presided over and participated in 2 projects of National Natural Science Foundation and 3 projects of enterprise cooperation.
Specific research directions include: 1. Lithium metal negative electrode 2. Solid lithium sulfur battery 3. Molecular Simulation, multi-physical field simulation 4. Heavy Oil Extraction


2005.08-2015.07 Tsinghua University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Bachelor, Master, Doctor of Engineering

Professional Experience

2015.09 Till now, Lecturer, Associate Professor, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Achievement

1. In the field of lithium battery, polymer is used as the main material to explore the relationship between the free volume, strength and other properties of the material and the diffusion rate and interface stability, and put forward the stability strategy of the electrode/electrolyte interface; The structure and composition of the artificial SEI layer were designed from the point of view of mechanical strength and diffusion properties, and the interface material with certain mechanical stability and excellent Li+ diffusion properties was constructed. By means of finite element simulation and computational chemistry, the key factors of the coupling process of diffusion and reaction are studied, and the dynamic connotation of lithium deposition morphology is explored.
2. In the field of heavy oil exploitation, the low temperature modification technology developed can make the permanent viscosity reduction rate of heavy oil/super heavy oil reach 87.6% in the temperature range of 200-280oC, which is the advanced level of laboratory tests at present.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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