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Personal profile

Personal profile

Assistant Research Fellow/Master's Supervisor
Tel: 010-68918584
Office Location: Room 114, Teaching Building 3

Research Interests

Advanced damage Theory and Ammunition Warhead Technology


Sep. 2008 -- Jul. 2012 College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Bachelor Degree in Ammunition Engineering and Explosive Technology
Sep. 2012 - Mar. 2018 Ph. D. in Weapon Science and Technology, School of Mechatronics, Beijing Institute of Technology

Professional Experience

May 2018 - Now Assistant Researcher and Master Supervisor of School of Mechatronics, Beijing Institute of Technology

Research Achievement

1, 2019 "National Defense Science and Technology Progress Award" main winner
2. Selected in the 6th "Young Talent Lifting Project" of China Association for Science and Technology
3. Mainly participated in the Virtual Simulation Experiment of Anti-tank Shaped Warhead Design and Power Performance, which was selected into the national first-class undergraduate course


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