Temperature compensated three-dimension fiber optic vector magnetic field sensor based on an elliptical core micro fiber bragg grating

Ran Gao, Danfeng Lu, Qi Zhang, Xiangjun Xin, Qinghua Tian, Feng Tian, Yongjun Wang

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28 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, a temperature-compensated three-dimension vector fiber optic magnetic field sensor based on an elliptical core micro fiber Bragg grating (FBG) has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The elliptical core fiber was tapered to form a microfiber, in which a FBG was inscribed. Due to the magnetism-manipulation of the anisotropic aggregation of ferromagnetism nanoparticles around the fiber surface, the effective refractive index of the evanescent field for two orthogonal polarization modes was modulated, and the magnetic field orientation can be detected by interrogating the wavelength interval between two reflection peaks. However, two reflection peaks show the identical response to ambient temperature. Hence the proposed sensor can achieve the measurements of the magnetic field intensity and the orientation simultaneously without the temperature cross-sensitivity. The experimental results show that the magnetic field orientation sensitivity of 15 pm/deg and intensity sensitivity of 81 pm/mT can be achieved, and the maximum standard variation of the temperature cross-sensitivity is only 0.02 nm. The proposed elliptical core micro FBG appears to have potential applications in navigation, vehicle detection, and current sensing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7721-7733
Number of pages13
JournalOptics Express
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2 Mar 2020


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