Synthesis of six-speed planetary gear trains for vehicles

Tianli Xie, Zengxiong Peng

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper presents a systemic method for synthesis of six-speed automatic planetary gear trains with three-degree-of-freedom and three-planetary-gear-set. Firstly, a deduced model is proposed based on the analysis of degree of freedom and a graph generation algorithm based on graph theory and lever analogy is developed to synthesize the two-degree-of-freedom planetary gear trains. Next, the design methods of multi-degree-of-freedom, such as the switched-input and variable fixed interconnection, are applied to synthesize six-speed planetary gear trains with three degrees of freedom. Finally, according to the requirements, such as the ratio step, efficiency, mechanism planarity and single-transition shift, seventeen valid schemes are selected for six-speed automatic transmissions with planetary gear trains.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event4th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering-Winter, WCSE 2014 - Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Duration: 26 Dec 201428 Dec 2014


Conference4th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering-Winter, WCSE 2014
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
CityHong Kong


  • Automatic transmission
  • Graph theory
  • Lever analogy
  • Planetary gear train
  • Six-speed
  • Synthesis


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Xie, T., & Peng, Z. (2014). Synthesis of six-speed planetary gear trains for vehicles. Paper presented at 4th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering-Winter, WCSE 2014, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.