Synthesis and Conducting Properties of Al-doped La 10( SiO 4) 6O 3

Gui Ling Wang, Hui Zhao, Shan Gao, Li Hua Huo, Ke Ning Sun

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Al-dopcd La 10(SiO 4) 6O 3, namely La 10(SiO 4,) xO 3-05x. (x=0, 0.5, 1-0, 1.5 and 2), was synthesized via a sol-gel method at 850 °C . The apatite phases were characterized by TG-DTA, XRD, IR and SEM, and conducting properties were studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). It is found that the conductivity depends on both the interstitial oxygen concentration and the volume of the unit cell. The conductivity of La 10(Si0 4) 55(AIO 4) 0.5O 2.75 1.88×l0 -2 S-cm -1 at 700 °C is the highest among all the synthesized oxyapatites due to the combined effect of the interstitial oxygen concentration and the volume of a unit cell. The dependence of electrical conductivity on oxygen partial pressure indicates that, the charge carriers of the silicate oxyapatile are oxygen ions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)26-30
Number of pages5
JournalChinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2009
Externally publishedYes


  • Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
  • Free oxygen ion conduction
  • Interstitial oxygen ion conduction
  • Si-doping apatites
  • Sol-gel method


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