Study on remote sensing image classification based on fractal theory and ridgelet neural network

He Yan*, Ying Jun Pan, Gang Wu, Lei Lei Li, Shi Dou Dong

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Through comprehensively utilizing color spectrum, texture and shape feature of the remote sensing images, a novel method of image classification is presented based on the fractal theory and ridgelet neural network. The blue, green and red band spectrums is used as three-band-spectral characteristics, the DBC dimension and multi-fractal dimension calculated by fractal theory as two texture characteristics, the average unchanged moment as one shape feature, and the ridgelet neural network with a strong ability to identify the direction of curve is used as classifier in the proposed method. The experimental results indicated that the method used in color image classification has a high accurate rate and a strong antinoise ability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)342-345
Number of pages4
JournalGuangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica
Issue numberSUPPL.
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2007
Externally publishedYes


  • DBC dimension
  • Image classification
  • Multi-fractal dimension
  • Ridgelet neural network
  • Unchanged moment


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