Solving Volume Electric Current Integral Equation with Full- and Half-SWG Functions

Li Ming Zhang, Xin Qing Sheng*

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15 Citations (Scopus)


This letter solves the volume electric current integral equation (VJIE) using the hybrid Full- and Half- Schaubert-Wilton-Glisson (SWG) basis functions for inhomogeneous dielectric objects. Techniques are developed for dealing with the discontinuity of equivalent volume electric currents on the interface between two media. Numerical results show that the VJIE discretized with the SWG basis functions (JSWG) has much faster convergence solution than the traditional volume electric flux (D) integral equation (VDIE), especially for relatively high-permittivity objects, while maintaining the same accuracy. Moreover, for the same mesh, the presented JSWG scheme needs much fewer number of unknowns compared to that of the VJIE using the constant vector basis functions (JConstBasis) for piecewise homogeneous dielectric objects problems.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6971139
Pages (from-to)682-685
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Electromagnetic scattering
  • equivalent electric current
  • volume integral equation (VIE)


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