Motion planning algorithm of a multi-joint snake-like robot based on improved serpenoid curve

Dongfang Li, Chao Wang, Hongbin Deng*, Yiran Wei

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20 Citations (Scopus)


In order to study the winding motion of a multi-joint snake-like robot with multi-degree of redundancy in plane, a motion planning algorithm of a multi-joint snake-like robot based on improved Serpenoid curve equation is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the kinematics and dynamics models of a multi-joint snake-like robot are established, and the joint angle curve equation and the thrust expression of each joint of the robot relative to time are obtained. Next, the existing Serpenoid curve equation is improved to calculate the axial bending moment function with joint angle amplitude adjustment factor and turn angle adjustment factor. By analyzing the relationship between the forward thrust of the robot and the improved Serpenoid curve equation, a simple, efficient and reliable closed-loop control system was designed. Then, MATLAB and SimWise4D were used for simulation to obtain the motion trajectory of the robot based on the improved Serpenoid curve motion planning algorithm, and the influence of different parameters on the forward velocity of the multi-joint snake robot was analyzed. Finally, the validity of the motion planning algorithm of a multi-joint snake-like robot based on improved Serpenoid curve equation is verified by the actual experiment.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8950390
Pages (from-to)8346-8360
Number of pages15
JournalIEEE Access
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Multi-joint snake-like robot
  • axial bending moment
  • closed-loop control
  • serpenoid curve


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