Mode transition of microhollow cathode sustained discharge

Shoujie He, Ha Jing, Zhao Zhang, Jiting Ouyang, Qing Li

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9 Citations (Scopus)


The spatio-temporal characteristics of microhollow cathode sustained discharge are investigated using a fully self-consistent fluid model. The evolutions of discharge current, electric potential, electron density, the axial and radial electric fields, and ionization rates are simulated at 100 Torr. The interaction between the microhollow cathode discharge (MHCD) and the microhollow cathode sustained discharge (MCSD) is also investigated. Results show that the mode transition is related to the distance d between the first anode and the second anode. When the distance is large (e.g. d = 2 mm), a complete discharge process comprises five stages. These stages are Townsend mode, the transition from mainly axial electric field to mainly radial electric field, the formation of the hollow cathode effect, the formation of microcathode sustained discharge, and stable discharge. The influence of MHCD on MCSD is prior to the influence of MCSD on MHCD. By contrast, when d is very small (e.g. d = 0.3 mm), the influence of MHCD on MCSD is posterior to the influence of MCSD on MHCD.

Original languageEnglish
Article number365201
JournalJournal Physics D: Applied Physics
Issue number36
Publication statusPublished - 9 Aug 2016


  • fluid model
  • microhollow cathode discharge
  • microhollow cathode sustained discharge
  • simulation


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