Kerr-lens mode-locked polycrystalline Cr:ZnS femtosecond laser pumped by a monolithic Er:YAG laser

Chengfeng Hu, Jiangfeng Zhu*, Zhaohua Wang, Xintong Sun, Long Wei, Weijun Ling, Zhong Dong, Qing Wang, Chunqing Gao, Zhiyi Wei

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4 Citations (Scopus)


We demonstrated a Kerr-lens mode-locked polycrystalline Cr:ZnS laser pumped by a narrow-linewidth linearpolarised monolithic Er:YAG nonplanar ring oscillator operated at 1645 nm. With a 5-mm-thick sapphire plate for intracavity dispersion compensation, a compact and stable Kerr-lens mode-locking operation was realised. The oscillator delivered 125-fs pulses at 2347 nm with an average power of 80 mW. Owing to the special polycrystalline structure of the Cr:ZnS crystal, the second to fourth harmonic generation was observed by random quasi-phase-matching.

Original languageEnglish
Article number014206
JournalChinese Physics B
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2017


  • middle-infrared laser
  • mode-locked laser
  • polycrystalline Cr:ZnS


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