Jordan higher derivations on some operator algebras

Zhankui Xiao, Feng Wei

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Motivated by the systemic work of Lu [21, 23] we mainly consider the question of whether any Jordan higher derivation on some operator algebras is a higher derivation. Let A be a torsion free algebra over a commutative ring R, D be the set of all Jordan higher derivations D = {dn} n=0 on A, and Δ be the set of all sequences {δn}n=0 of Jordan derivations on A with δ0 = 0. Then there is a one to one correspondence between D and Δ. It is shown via this correspondence that every Jordan higher derivation on some operator algebras is a higher derivation. The involved operator algebras include CSL algebras, reexive algebras, nest algebras. At last, we describe local actions of Jordan higher derivations on nest algebras.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)275-293
Number of pages19
JournalHouston Journal of Mathematics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • CSL algebra
  • Jordan higher derivation
  • Nest algebra
  • Reflexive algebra


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