Hybrid photonic-plasmonic nano-cavity with ultra-high Q/V

Hongyu Zhang, Yong Chun Liu, Chenyang Wang, Nianen Zhang, Cuicui Lu*

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30 Citations (Scopus)


Optical cavities with high figure of merit Q/V is essential to enhance the interaction of light and matter. Here, a hybrid photonic-plasmonic nano-cavity, consisting of an L3 photonic crystal nano-cavity and plasmonic bowtie nano-antennas, is proposed to have an ultrahigh figure of merit Q/V of 8.4 × 106(λ/n)−3, which is the highest value ever demonstrated for all previous works about L3-type photonic crystal nano-cavities. The value of Q/V is enhanced by more than 25 times compared to that in a bare L3 photonic crystal nano-cavity and is 60 times greater than plasmonic bowtie nano-antennas. As a result, the single-atom cooperativity parameter is improved by 26 times with respect to a bare L3 photonic crystal nano-cavity, and strong coupling between light and a single emitter is achieved. The proposed structure provides a new platform to achieve strong coupling between light and a single emitter, which holds great potential for applications in quantum optics, quantum information, and nonlinear optics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4794-4797
Number of pages4
JournalOptics Letters
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2020


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