Facial expression recognition of nonlinear facial variations using deep locality de-expression residue learning in the wild

Asad Ullah, Jing Wang*, M. Shahid Anwar, Usman Ahmad, Uzair Saeed, Zesong Fei

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Automatic facial expression recognition is an emerging field. Moreover, the interest has been increased with the transition from laboratory-controlled conditions to in the wild scenarios. Most of the research has been done over nonoccluded faces under the constrained environment, while automatic facial expression is less understood/implemented for partial occlusion in the real world conditions. Apart from that, our research aims to tackle the issues of overfitting (caused by the shortage of adequate training data) and to alleviate the expression-unrelated/intraclass/nonlinear facial variations, such as head pose estimation, eye gaze estimation, intensity and microexpressions. In our research, we control the magnitude of each Action Unit (AU) and combine several of the Action Unit combinations to leverage learning from the generative and discriminative representations for automatic FER. We have also addressed the problem of diversification of expressions from lab controlled to real-world scenarios from our cross-database study and proposed a model for enhancement of the discriminative power of deep features while increasing the interclass scatters, by preserving the locality closeness. Furthermore, facial expression consists of an expressive component as well as neutral component, so we proposed a generative model which is capable of generating neutral expression from an input image using cGAN. The expressive component is filtered and passed to the intermediate layers and the process is called De-expression Residue Learning. The residue in the intermediate/middle layers is very important for learning through expressive components. Finally, we validate the effectiveness of our method (DLP-DeRL) through qualitative and quantitative experimental results using four databases. Our method is more accurate and robust, and outperforms all the existing methods (hand crafted features and deep learning) while dealing the images in the wild.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1487
JournalElectronics (Switzerland)
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2019


  • Conditional graphical adversarial network
  • De-expression residue
  • Deep locality preserving
  • Facial variations


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