Development of a Driver Lateral Control Model by Integrating Neuromuscular Dynamics into the Queuing Network-Based Driver Model

Luzheng Bi*, Mingtao Wang, Cuie Wang, Yili Liu

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27 Citations (Scopus)


This paper describes the development of a novel driver lateral control model by integrating the driver's neuromuscular dynamics into the queuing network (QN)-based driver lateral control model. Experimental results from 16 participants in a driving simulator show that, compared to the QN-based model, the proposed model performs better, and its performance is closer to that of drivers when a vehicle runs at a relatively high speed. The proposed model not only has the advantages of the models based on a cognitive architecture but also captures the dynamic interaction between the vehicular steering system and the driver's neuromuscular system. Thus, it can better represent driver lateral control and has greater value in supporting the development of driver assistance systems.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7062020
Pages (from-to)2479-2486
Number of pages8
JournalIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2015


  • Driver assistance system
  • driver lateral control
  • neuromuscular dynamics
  • queuing network


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