Detecting overlapping protein complexes in PPI networks based on robustness

Shuliang Wang*, Fang Wu

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25 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Recently, large data sets of protein-protein interactions (PPI) which can be modeled as PPI networks are generated through high-throughput methods. And locally dense regions in PPI networks are very likely to be protein complexes. Since protein complexes play a key role in many biological processes, detecting protein complexes in PPI networks is one of important tasks in post-genomic era. However, PPI networks are often incomplete and noisy, which builds barriers to mining protein complexes. Results: We propose a new and effective algorithm based on robustness to detect overlapping clusters as protein complexes in PPI networks. And in order to improve the accuracy of resulting clusters, our algorithm tries to reduce bad effects brought by noise in PPI networks. And in our algorithm, each new cluster begins from a seed and is expanded through adding qualified nodes from the cluster's neighbourhood nodes. Besides, in our algorithm, a new distance measurement method between a cluster K and a node in the neighbours of K is proposed as well. The performance of our algorithm is evaluated by applying it on two PPI networks which are Gavin network and Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP). The results show that our algorithm is better than Markov clustering algorithm (MCL), Clique Percolation method (CPM) and core-attachment based method (CoAch) in terms of F-measure, co-localization and Gene Ontology (GO) semantic similarity. Conclusions: Our algorithm detects locally dense regions or clusters as protein complexes. The results show that protein complexes generated by our algorithm have better quality than those generated by some previous classic methods. Therefore, our algorithm is effective and useful.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberS18
JournalProteome Science
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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