Computational design of enzyme–ligand binding using a combined energy function and deterministic sequence optimization algorithm

Ye Tian, Xiaoqiang Huang, Yushan Zhu*

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24 Citations (Scopus)


Enzyme amino-acid sequences at ligand-binding interfaces are evolutionarily optimized for reactions, and the natural conformation of an enzyme–ligand complex must have a low free energy relative to alternative conformations in native-like or non-native sequences. Based on this assumption, a combined energy function was developed for enzyme design and then evaluated by recapitulating native enzyme sequences at ligand-binding interfaces for 10 enzyme–ligand complexes. In this energy function, the electrostatic interaction between polar or charged atoms at buried interfaces is described by an explicitly orientation-dependent hydrogen-bonding potential and a pairwise-decomposable generalized Born model based on the general side chain in the protein design framework. The energy function is augmented with a pairwise surface-area based hydrophobic contribution for nonpolar atom burial. Using this function, on average, 78% of the amino acids at ligand-binding sites were predicted correctly in the minimum-energy sequences, whereas 84% were predicted correctly in the most-similar sequences, which were selected from the top 20 sequences for each enzyme–ligand complex. Hydrogen bonds at the enzyme–ligand binding interfaces in the 10 complexes were usually recovered with the correct geometries. The binding energies calculated using the combined energy function helped to discriminate the active sequences from a pool of alternative sequences that were generated by repeatedly solving a series of mixed-integer linear programming problems for sequence selection with increasing integer cuts.

Original languageEnglish
Article number191
JournalJournal of Molecular Modeling
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 23 Aug 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Computational enzyme design
  • Energy function
  • Global optimization
  • Protein design
  • Protein–ligand interaction


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