Beyond the metal-metal triple bond in binuclear cyclopentadienylchromium carbonyl chemistry

Xiuhui Zhang*, Qian Shu Li, Yaoming Xie, R. Bruce King, Henry F. Schaefer

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The cyclopentadienylchromium carbonyls Cp2Cr2(CO) n and Cp*2Cr2(CO)n (Cp = η5-C5H5 and Cp* = η5-Me5C5; n = 3, 2) have been studied by density functional theory using the B3LYP and BP86 functionals. Triplet and singlet structures are found for Cp2Cr2(CO)3, with the triplet isomer having an apparent Cr≡Cr triple bond (2.295 Å by BP86) and predicted to have a lower energy than the singlet isomer having an apparent Cr≡Cr quadruple bond (2.191 Å by BP86). Quintet, septet, and singlet structures, as well as a highly spin contaminated triplet structure, were found for the dicarbonyl Cp2Cr2(CO) 2. In all of the Cp2Cr2(CO)n (n = 3, 2) structures the carbonyls are asymmetric semi-bridging groups, typically with differences of 0.3-0.5 Å between the shortest and longest M-C distances. Very little difference was found between the structures and energetics of the corresponding Cp and Cp* derivatives. These DFT studies suggest that the reported unstable photolytic decarbonylation product of Cp* 2Cr2(CO)4, characterized only by its infrared ν(CO) frequencies, is the singlet isomer of the tricarbonyl Cp*2Cr2(CO)3.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4805-4810
Number of pages6
JournalDalton Transactions
Issue number35
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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