Adaptive diffusion flow active contours for image segmentation

Yuwei Wu, Yuanquan Wang*, Yunde Jia

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78 Citations (Scopus)


Gradient vector flow (GVF) active contour model shows good performance at concavity convergence and initialization insensitivity, yet it is susceptible to weak edges as well as deep and narrow concavity. This paper proposes a novel external force, called adaptive diffusion flow (ADF), with adaptive diffusion strategies according to the characteristics of an image region in the parametric active contour model framework for image segmentation. We exploit a harmonic hypersurface minimal functional to substitute smoothness energy term in GVF for alleviating the possible leakage. We make use of the p(x) harmonic maps, in which p(x) ranges from 1 to 2, such that the diffusion process of the flow field can be adjusted adaptively according to image characteristics. We also incorporate an infinity laplacian functional to ADF active contour model to drive the active contours onto deep and narrow concave regions of objects. The experimental results demonstrate that ADF active contour model possesses several good properties, including noise robustness, weak edge preserving and concavity convergence.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1421-1435
Number of pages15
JournalComputer Vision and Image Understanding
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Active contour model
  • Adaptive diffusion flow (ADF)
  • Gradient vector flow (GVF)
  • Image segmentation


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