A 2-spine decomposition of the critical galton-watson tree and a probabilistic proof of yaglom’s theorem

Yan Xia Ren, Renming Song, Zhenyao Sun*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


In this note we propose a two-spine decomposition of the critical Galton-Watson tree and use this decomposition to give a probabilistic proof of Yaglom’s theorem.

Original languageEnglish
JournalElectronic Communications in Probability
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Galton-Watson process
  • Galton-Watson tree
  • Martingale change of measure
  • Spine decomposition
  • Yaglom’s theorem

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