Title: Special Associate Researcher
Contact number:
Department: Optical Physics
E-mail: yfsun@bit.edu.cn
Address: Beijing Institute of Technology, No.5 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing
Quantum simulation, quantum computing, and optical design.
2011-2016 PhD, Beijing Normal University
2007-2011 Bachelor, Beijing Normal University
2019 - Assistant Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology
2017-2018 Visiting Scholar, University of the Basque Country, Spain
2016-2017 Visiting Scholar, University of the Basque Country, Spain
2016-2019 Postdoctoral Fellow, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Obtained the youth start-up fund support from Beijing Institute of Technology, and presided over a natural science Youth fund project. The main research results include:
1) Combining classical optical degrees of freedom, several schemes are proposed to simulate quantum entangled states, and on this basis, quantum information processes such as quantum off-object state transfer and quantum Fourier transform are simulated. (SR 5, 9175 (2015), et al.)
2) In quantum optics, the regulatory effects of classical optical processes such as fractional Fourier transform and angular momentum diffraction on optical quantum states are theoretically discussed (OE 22, 727 (2014), PRA 93, 063851 (2016)).
3) In terms of theoretical quantum calculation, a strict method for eliminating Leakage quantum error of an achievable three-level physical system is given (SR 9, 11035 (2019)). A class of linear optical circuits capable of statically simulating the adiabatic quantum evolution process is theoretically designed, and its application to the diagonalized bilinear Hamiltonian problem is discussed (NJP 22, 053012 (2020)).
4) Expanded some applications of machine learning algorithms in the field of quantum imaging.