Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

√ Doctoral Supervisor √ Master's Supervisor
Colleges and Majors
School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Office Address
Room 206, Teaching Building 1
post 100081
By mail;

Research Interests

[1] GX Li, WW Xu, X Jin, L Liu, SL Ding, CJ Li,* The machinability of stainless steel 316 L fabricated by selective laser melting: Typical cutting responses, white layer and evolution of chip morphology. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 315 (2023) 117926
[2] Jue Liu, Shiyun Dong, Xin Jin, Pengyue Wu, Xiaoting Liu, Yonghao Tan, Chaojiang Li*, Binshi Xu, Quality control of large-sized alloy steel parts fabricated by multi-laser selective laser melting (ML-SLM). Materials & Design 223 (2022) 111209
[3] Chaojiang Li, Depiao Liu, Guodong Liu*, Shenggui Liu, Xin Jin, Yuechao Bai. Surface characteristics enhancement and morphology evolution of selective-laser-melting (SLM) fabricated stainless steel 316L by laser polishing. Optics & Laser Technology 162 (2023) 109246
[4] Xin Jin, Ruilin Gao, Chaojiang Li*, On-machine measurement and temperature compensation method of NURBS surface interpolation for semicircular narrow neck thickness based on ultra-precision machine tool. Measurement Science and Technology, 33 (2022) 065008
[5] Zhang, B.W#; Li, C.J.#; Hu J. YZ Huang*Cobalt tungsten phosphide with tunable W-doping as highly efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction. Nano Research 14(2021):4073-4078
[6] CJ Li, SG Liu, X Jin, X Cao, One-Step Fabrication of Cu2O-Cu Catalytic Electrodes with Regular Porous Array by Ultra-Fast Laser Scanning, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2021)900:163455
[7] Y Lu#, CJ Li#, Y Zhang, X Cao, YZ Huang*, Engineering of cation and anion vacancies in Co3O4 thin nanosheets by laser irradiation for more advancement of oxygen evolution reaction, Nano Energy, 83(2021):105800
[8] XZ Wang, CJ Li, H Guo, SL Ding, Alternating Energy Electrical Discharge Machining of Titanium Alloy Using a WC-PCD Electrode, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 60(2020) :37-47
[9] Chaojiang Li, Bowei Zhang, Yong Li, Shiji Hao, Xu Cao, Guang Yang, Junsheng, Wu, Yizhong Huang*, Self-assembled Cu-Ni bimetal oxide 3D in-plane epitaxial structures for highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 244 (2019) 56-62.
[10] Chaojiang Li, Xi Xu, Yong Li*, Hao Tong, Songlin Ding*, Quancun Kong. Effects of dielectric fluids on surface integrity for the recast layer in high speed EDM drilling of nickel alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 783 (2019) 95-102.
[11] X. Cao, C.J. Li, Y. Lu, B. Zhang, Y. Wu, Q. Liu, J. Wu, J. Teng, W. Yan*, Y.Z. Huang*, Catalysis of Au nano-pyramids formed across the surfaces of ordered Au nano-ring arrays, Journal of Catalysis, 377 (2019) 389–399.
[12] DongJiang Wu, F Lu, DK Zhao, GY Ma, CJ Li, J Ding, FY Niu*, Effect of doping SiC particles on cracks and pores of Al2O3–ZrO2 eutectic ceramics fabricated by directed laser deposition, Journal of Materials Science, 54, (2019), 9321–9330,
[13] SJ Hao, B. Ouyang, CJ Li, BW Zhang, JY Feng, JS Wu, M Srinivasan, and YZ Huang*, Hollow Mesoporous Co(PO3)2 @Carbon Polyhedra as High Performance Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 123 (2019), 8599–8606
[14] C.J. Li, Y. Rao, B.W. Zhang, J. Wu, L. Xiao, Y.Z. Huang *, Extraordinary Catalysis Induced by Titanium Foil Cathode Plasma for Degradation of Water Pollutant, Chemosphere, 214 (2019) 341-348
[15] C.J. Li, B.W. Zhang, Y. Li*, H. Tong, S.L. Ding,Z. Q Wang, Self-adjusting EDM/ECM high speed drilling of film cooling holes, Journal of materials processing technology, 262 (2018) 95–103.
[16] X. Xu#, C.J.Li#, J. Lim, Y. Wang, A. Ong, X. Li, Erwin Peng, Jun Ding*. Hierarchical design of NiOOH@ amorphous Ni-P bilayer on a 3D mesh substrate for high efficiency oxygen evolution reaction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2018, 10 (36), pp 30273–30282.
[17] CJ Li, Y Li*, H Tong, L Zhao, QC Kong,ZQ Wang, EDM pulse power generator and its feasible experiments for drilling film cooling holes, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, p1813-1821. (87), 2016.
[18] C.J. LI* , Y. LI, X. GAO, C.V. DUONG, Ultra precision machining of Fresnel lens mould by single point diamond turning based on axis B rotation. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. p907-913. 77(5), 2015.
[19] 李汇,李光先,高瑞麟,金鑫,刘璐,李朝将*,Ding SL. 不锈钢增材制造件后处理工艺的研究进展, 航空学报,2022, 43(4): 525847
[20] 白玉超,王迪,李朝将,激光定向能量沉积制造A131EH36/AISI1045双金属结构性能研究,中国激光,2022,(49)
[21] 李朝将,高兴,李勇*,Duong Cam Vinh,超精密切削机床机电系统设计及Fresnel透镜模具加工实验,光学 精密工程,2015,23(10),p410-416。
[22] 孔全存,李勇*,刘国栋,李朝将,佟浩, 三电极微细电解加工脉冲电源, 清华大学学报,55(3), p262-272, 2015。

[1] 国家自然科学基金 面上项目--复合材料的超大深径比微孔加工,50万;
[2] 科技部重点研发计划课题--精密产品测装调一体化组装系统及应用,1600万;
[3] 国防基础科研(重大)分承研--面向XX发动机模块化XX精益装配技术,300万;
[4] 国防基础科研(重大)分承研-- XXX装配制造技术,200万;
[5] 国防项目—发动机增材制造零件可装配性、虚拟装配及检测和工艺优化;(结题)
[6] 上海航天创新基金—半球谐振陀螺装配各向异性误差及控制技术;(结题)
[7] 国家自然科学 青年基金项目; (结题)
[8] 中国博士后特别资助项目; (结题)
[9] 中国博士后面上资助项目; (结题)


1) Multi-energy field composite processing technology and equipment
2) Intelligent precision assembly process and control
3) Post-processing process of additive manufacturing parts
4) Digital pulse power technology and embedded system

Personal profile: Professor, PhD/master's supervisor, School of Machinery and Vehicle, Beijing Institute of Technology, national high-level young talents; Assistant Dean, Teaching Director of Manufacturing Department. After graduating from Harbin Institute of Technology, he worked as a postdoctoral Fellow in Tsinghua University, and as a Research Fellow in Nanyang Technological University NTU and National University of Singapore NUS.
He has been engaged in research on multi-energy field composite processing technology (electromachining, electrochemical machining, plasma processing, laser additive manufacturing, ultra-precision machining), intelligent precision assembly technology (theory, control, equipment) and intelligent control technology for a long time, and also involves the preparation of nanomaterials and hydrogen production technology, medical and industrial integration and other interdisciplinary research. As the person in charge presided over more than ten scientific research projects; As a technical backbone, he participated in more than 20 projects such as Singapore CRP, NUS-T_Lab Fund, Singapore MOE Tier 2, National 863 Program, National Natural Science Foundation, pre-research on installation and development, and basic research on national defense. In Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of materials processing technology, Nano Research, Nano Energy and other high-level journals published 78 academic papers, including more than 60 SCI indexed; Granted 10 invention patents, obtained 2 software Copyrights, participated in the compilation of 1 textbook; Won 2 provincial science and technology progress awards. At present, he is a member of the national special processing machine tool standard Committee, a senior member of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, a director of the special Processing society, a member of the Machinery Industry Automation Society, a member of the precision Assembly committee of the production branch, a young editorial board of manufacturing and automation journals, and an excellent reviewer of many international journals.
He has guided undergraduate and graduate students to win many awards such as Challenge Cup, Internet +, China Intelligent Robot Fighting Competition, and China College Students Mechanical Engineering Innovation and Creativity Competition.
Students with backgrounds in mechanical engineering, power electronics, automatic control, materials, chemistry, signal processing, software simulation, etc., are welcome to apply for doctoral and master's degree; Domestic and foreign PhD graduates with relevant background are welcome to apply for postdoctoral positions (team positions). The team teachers have rich overseas experience and will give you full support in internationalization.

Professional Experience

1) Multi-energy field composite processing technology and equipment
2) Intelligent precision assembly process and control
3) Post-processing process of additive manufacturing parts
4) Digital pulse power technology and embedded system

Personal profile: Professor, PhD/master's supervisor, School of Machinery and Vehicle, Beijing Institute of Technology, national high-level young talents; Assistant Dean, Teaching Director of Manufacturing Department. After graduating from Harbin Institute of Technology, he worked as a postdoctoral Fellow in Tsinghua University, and as a Research Fellow in Nanyang Technological University NTU and National University of Singapore NUS.
He has been engaged in research on multi-energy field composite processing technology (electromachining, electrochemical machining, plasma processing, laser additive manufacturing, ultra-precision machining), intelligent precision assembly technology (theory, control, equipment) and intelligent control technology for a long time, and also involves the preparation of nanomaterials and hydrogen production technology, medical and industrial integration and other interdisciplinary research. As the person in charge presided over more than ten scientific research projects; As a technical backbone, he participated in more than 20 projects such as Singapore CRP, NUS-T_Lab Fund, Singapore MOE Tier 2, National 863 Program, National Natural Science Foundation, pre-research on installation and development, and basic research on national defense. In Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of materials processing technology, Nano Research, Nano Energy and other high-level journals published 78 academic papers, including more than 60 SCI indexed; Granted 10 invention patents, obtained 2 software Copyrights, participated in the compilation of 1 textbook; Won 2 provincial science and technology progress awards. At present, he is a member of the national special processing machine tool standard Committee, a senior member of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, a director of the special Processing society, a member of the Machinery Industry Automation Society, a member of the precision Assembly committee of the production branch, a young editorial board of manufacturing and automation journals, and an excellent reviewer of many international journals.
He has guided undergraduate and graduate students to win many awards such as Challenge Cup, Internet +, China Intelligent Robot Fighting Competition, and China College Students Mechanical Engineering Innovation and Creativity Competition.
Students with backgrounds in mechanical engineering, power electronics, automatic control, materials, chemistry, signal processing, software simulation, etc., are welcome to apply for doctoral and master's degree; Domestic and foreign PhD graduates with relevant background are welcome to apply for postdoctoral positions (team positions). The team teachers have rich overseas experience and will give you full support in internationalization.

Research Achievement

Senior member of the Mechanical Engineering Society, member of the National special processing machine tool standard Committee, member of the precision Assembly Committee of the production branch, expert database of science and Technology project evaluation of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Science and Technology, expert database of National Graduate Education Evaluation and monitoring of the Ministry of Education, member of the space three network intelligent manufacturing Special Committee. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, Journal of Cleaner Production, IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics and other international journal reviewers.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


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