金 福生

根据储存在 Pure 的刊物以及来自 Scopus 的引用文献数量计算




  • 2025

    Online Vectorized HD Map Construction Using Geometry

    Zhang, Z., Zhang, Y., Ding, X., Jin, F. & Yue, X., 2025, Computer Vision – ECCV 2024 - 18th European Conference, Proceedings. Leonardis, A., Ricci, E., Roth, S., Russakovsky, O., Sattler, T. & Varol, G. (编辑). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 页码 73-90 18 页码 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 卷 15107 LNCS).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

  • 2024

    Empowering CAM-Based Methods with Capability to Generate Fine-Grained and High-Faithfulness Explanations

    Qiu, C., Jin, F. & Zhang, Y., 25 3月 2024, Technical Tracks 14. Wooldridge, M., Dy, J. & Natarajan, S. (编辑). 5 编辑 Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 页码 4587-4595 9 页码 (Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence; 卷 38, 号码 5).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

    1 引用 (Scopus)
  • Privacy-Preserving Graph Embedding based on Local Differential Privacy

    Li, Z., Li, R. H., Liao, M., Jin, F. & Wang, G., 21 10月 2024, CIKM 2024 - Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. Association for Computing Machinery, 页码 1316-1325 10 页码 (International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

  • Reimagining China-US Relations Prediction: A Multi-modal, Knowledge-Driven Approach with KDSCINet

    Zhou, R., Hao, J., Zou, Y., Zhu, Y., Zhang, C. & Jin, F., 2024, Neural Information Processing - 30th International Conference, ICONIP 2023, Proceedings. Luo, B., Cheng, L., Wu, Z.-G., Li, H. & Li, C. (编辑). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 页码 317-331 15 页码 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 卷 14448 LNCS).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

  • TiAM-GAN: Titanium Alloy Microstructure Image Generation Network

    Zhang, Z., Jin, F., Gong, H. & Fan, Q., 2024, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision - 6th Chinese Conference, PRCV 2023, Proceedings. Liu, Q., Wang, H., Ji, R., Ma, Z., Zheng, W., Zha, H., Chen, X. & Wang, L. (编辑). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 页码 84-96 13 页码 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 卷 14427 LNCS).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

  • 2020

    Butterfly-based higher-order clustering on bipartite networks

    Zheng, Y., Qin, H., Zheng, J., Jin, F. & Li, R. H., 2020, Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management - 13th International Conference, KSEM 2020, Proceedings, Part 1. Li, G., Shen, H. T., Yuan, Y., Wang, X., Liu, H. & Zhao, X. (编辑). Springer, 页码 485-497 13 页码 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 卷 12274 LNAI).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

    1 引用 (Scopus)
  • CFGAT: A Coarse-To-Fine Graph Attention Network for Semi-supervised Node Classification

    Cui, D., Jin, F., Li, R. H. & Wang, G., 11月 2020, Proceedings - IEEE 32nd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI 2020. Alamaniotis, M. & Pan, S. (编辑). IEEE Computer Society, 页码 1020-1027 8 页码 9288245. (Proceedings - International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI; 卷 2020-November).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

  • Knowledge graphs meet geometry for semi-supervised monocular depth estimation

    Zhao, Y., Jin, F., Wang, M. & Wang, S., 2020, Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management - 13th International Conference, KSEM 2020, Proceedings, Part 1. Li, G., Shen, H. T., Yuan, Y., Wang, X., Liu, H. & Zhao, X. (编辑). Springer, 页码 40-52 13 页码 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 卷 12274 LNAI).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

    2 引用 (Scopus)
  • 2018

    A listwise approach for learning to rank based on query normalization network

    Zhu, C., Jin, F., Li, Y. & Peng, T., 2018, Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence - 5th International Conference, GSKI 2017, Revised Selected Papers. Yuan, H., Geng, J., Liu, C., Surapunt, T. & Bian, F. (编辑). Springer Verlag, 页码 21-30 10 页码 (Communications in Computer and Information Science; 卷 849).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

  • A software reliability combination model based on genetic optimization bp neural network

    Wang, R., Jin, F., Yang, L. & Han, X., 2018, Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence - 5th International Conference, GSKI 2017, Revised Selected Papers. Yuan, H., Geng, J., Liu, C., Surapunt, T. & Bian, F. (编辑). Springer Verlag, 页码 143-151 9 页码 (Communications in Computer and Information Science; 卷 849).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

  • Static detection method for C/C++ memory defects based on triad memory model

    Wang, Y., Jin, F., Han, X. & Wang, R., 2018, Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence - 5th International Conference, GSKI 2017, Revised Selected Papers. Yuan, H., Geng, J., Liu, C., Surapunt, T. & Bian, F. (编辑). Springer Verlag, 页码 69-78 10 页码 (Communications in Computer and Information Science; 卷 849).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

  • 2013

    An enterprise architecture approach based on DoDAF

    Jin, F. S., Zhang, H. & Wang, Y., 2013, Innovation for Applied Science and Technology. 页码 3642-3648 7 页码 (Applied Mechanics and Materials; 卷 284-287).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

    2 引用 (Scopus)
  • 2010

    A pattern based anti-fraud method in C2C ecommerce environment

    Jin, F., Niu, Z. & Lang, H., 2010, Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, ICEE 2010. 页码 242-244 3 页码 5590833. (Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, ICEE 2010).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

    2 引用 (Scopus)
  • Social Network based community Users' Viscosity enhanced model

    Jin, F., Lang, H. & Niu, Z., 2010, 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE2010 - Proceedings. 页码 3113-3116 4 页码 5691560. (2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE2010 - Proceedings).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

  • 2009

    A combined reputation model for distributed system

    Jin, F. & Niu, Z., 2009, 2009 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE 2009. 页码 2783-2786 4 页码 5455353. (2009 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE 2009).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

    1 引用 (Scopus)
  • 2008

    A user reputation model for DLDE learning 2.0 community

    Jin, F., Niu, Z., Zhang, Q., Lang, H. & Qin, K., 2008, Digital Libraries: Universal and Ubiquitous Access to Information - 11th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL 2008, Proceedings. Springer Verlag, 页码 61-70 10 页码 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 卷 5362 LNCS).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

    8 引用 (Scopus)
  • Multicast forwarding group routing protocol for ad hoc

    Zhang, Q. X., Niu, Z. D., Zheng, J. J. & Jin, F. S., 2008, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC. 页码 3503-3507 5 页码 4621010. (Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, ICMLC; 卷 6).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

    1 引用 (Scopus)
  • The modification of AODV by utilizing the communication intervals

    Zhang, Q., Zhang, X., Niu, Z., Jin, F. & Tan, Y., 2008, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA'08. 页码 7992-7996 5 页码 4594595. (Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA)).

    科研成果: 书/报告/会议事项章节会议稿件同行评审

    2 引用 (Scopus)