The study of noise source identifying in wind tunnel with clean arithmetic based on spatial source coherence

Xiao Jian Zhao*, Lei Zhao, Nong Chen

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


The CLEAN arithmetic based on Spatial Source Coherence is developed and then applied to the wind tunnel test in the paper. The mechanism for this method is introducing a clean beam to instead the main lobe of beam picture iteratively, and getting rid of side lobe for background noise of wind tunnel or microphones distribution in phase array. The data from test in wind tunnel is optimized with this method. The results show that it improves the resolving power of low frequency noise and increases the signal-to-noise of the aero-acoustics test greatly. In the paper, coefficient K for judging the performance of phase array is also introduced, which including the effect to the resolving power both for frequency and distance from array to sound source plane. To some point, it is helpful to improve the efficiency for the coefficient K inducted.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)239-243
Number of pages5
JournalKongqi Donglixue Xuebao/Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2013
Externally publishedYes


  • Aero-acoustics
  • Aerodynamics
  • Beamforming arithmetic
  • Wind tunnel


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