Numerical studies on shock wave and boundary layer interaction in the high-load turbine rotor cascades

Qiyun Long, Mingxu Qi*, Zhengxin Ji, Hong Zhang

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Design of transonic high-load turbine is the essential approach to improve thrust-to-weight ratio of gas turbine engines. The shock wave and boundary layer interaction (SWBLI) in high-load turbine is one of the important unsteady sources and the main source of loss in turbine stages. In order to study mechanism of SWBLI in high-load turbine, rotor blades with loading coefficients range from 1.6 to 2 were designed and Delayed Detached Eddy Simulations (DDES) were carried out. The influences of loading coefficient, exit isentropic Mach number and incidence angle on characteristics of shock wave, SWBLI as well as flow details in the blade passages were compared. Results indicated the shock wave was generated and enhanced as exit isen-tropic Mach numbers increased leading to the increase of 2.8% in the total pressure loss coefficient. There was not significant difference in the total pressure loss coefficient as loading coefficient increased, however the shock wave was stronger and the separation bubble was longer at the loading coefficient of 1.6. Meanwhile, the influence of strong separation near the leading edge of suction surface induced by variation of incidence angles on the characteristics of the shock wave and the loss was also obvious.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)84-97
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • high-load turbine
  • loading coefficient
  • shock wave
  • swbli


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