Improved differential evolution algorithm for solving constrained problem

Juan Zhao*, Tao Cai, Fang Deng, Xiao Qing Song

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In order to solve sequence constrained optimization problems, a differential evolution algorithm with mapping (MDE) is presented. By mapping the sorting variables to random coefficient range [0,1], the constrained problems can be turned into unconstrained. In addition, differential evolution algorithm (DE) with self-adapting parameters is applied to accelerate the convergence rate. The results show the high efficiency of the method to solve such constrained problems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)154-158
Number of pages5
JournalZhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)
Issue numberSUPPL. 1
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2011


  • DE algorithm
  • Mapping
  • Self-adapting parameter
  • Sequence constrained problem


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