Discovering Usage Patterns of Mobile Video Service in the Cellular Networks

Huan Yan, Tzu Heng Lin, Ming Zeng, Jing Wu, Yong Li*, Depeng Jin

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


With the rapid growth of mobile networks and smart devices, a large number of people prefer to visiting video services via mobile devices. This generates massive data traffic, and thus increases the load of cellular networks. To deal with it, we need to investigate the usage patterns in the video consumption. In this article, we take a data-driven analysis of mobile video services by classifying them into three major types: traditional video portals, user-generated video services and personalized livestreaming. We collect a large dataset of 25,937,758 logs from 455 thousand users, and we find that 1) for the same kind of video services, users exhibit high loyalty; 2) in consecutive days, the traffic peaks have differences among different service types; 3) more video traffic is generated from personalized livestreaming services, and it keeps increasing after midnight at weekdays in the downtown; 4) traffic consumption of user-generated service exhibits great differences under different functional regions; 5) individual users are prone to click within the same service type but possible different time gaps during the consecutive views. Lastly, we utilize these findings to discuss the potential applications in the improvements of cellular networks and video services.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9288686
Pages (from-to)1789-1802
Number of pages14
JournalIEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Mobile video service
  • cellular network
  • personalized livestreaming
  • user-generated video
  • video portal


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