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Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Associate Professor
□ Doctoral Supervisor √ Master's Supervisor
Colleges and Majors
College of Machinery and Vehicle Engineering
Office Address
Beijing Institute of Technology Vehicle Laboratory Building Room 415B
post 100081
Office Phone
By mail

Research Interests

1. Wanke Cao, Guangjian Gu, et al. Analysis and Synthesis of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Against the Hetero-Integration Poly-Net Loop Delays, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, early access, 2023. (SCI, IF=8.162 TOP)
2. Wanke Cao, MengchaoYang, et al. Autonomous Emergency Braking of Electric Vehicles with High Robustness to Cyber-Physical Uncertainties for Enhanced Braking Stability, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, early access, 2022. (SCI, IF=6.239, TOP)
3. Wanke Cao, Xin Xu, et al. Synergized Heating and Optimal Charging of Lithium-ion Batteries at Low Temperature, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, early access, 2022. (SCI, IF=6.519, TOP)
4. Wanke Cao, Shao Liu, et al. Analysis and Design of Adaptive Cruise Control for Smart Electric Vehicle with Domain-based Poly-Service Loop Delay. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume: 70, Issue: 1, 2023., 2022 (SCI, IF=8.162 TOP)
5. Wanke Cao, Jizhi Liu, et al. Networked Motion Control for Smart EV With Multiple-Package Transmissions and Time-Varying Network-Induced Delays. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume: 69, Issue: 4, 2022. (SCI, IF=8.162, TOP)
6. Wanke Cao, Lecheng Wang, et al. Analysis and Design of Drivetrain Control for the AEV With Network-Induced Compounding-Construction Loop Delays. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume: 70, Issue: 6, 2021. (SCI, IF=6.239, TOP)
7. Wei, Zhongbao, Li, Pengfei, Cao, Wanke*, et al. Machine learning-based hybrid thermal modeling and diagnostic for lithium-ion battery enabled by embedded sensing, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume: 216, 2022. (SCI, IF=6.465, TOP)
8. QingqingYang, Jianwei Li, Wanke Cao*, et al. An improved vehicle to the grid method with battery longevity management in a microgrid application, Energy, Volume: 198, 2020. (SCI, IF=8.857, TOP)
9. Zhongbao Wei, Difan Zhao, Hongwen He, Wanke Cao, et al. A noise-tolerant model parameterization method for lithium-ion battery management system. Applied Energy, Volume: 268, 2020. (SCI, IF=11.446, TOP)
10. 曹万科; 张天侠; 闻邦椿等. 柔性时间触发控制器局域网(CAN)系统动态规划应用与性能分析, 机械工程学报, 44(5): 142-146页, 2008.
11. 曹万科; 张天侠; 张霏霏等. 汽车CAN总线可视化实时性分析研究及仿真, 系统仿真学报, 20(9): 2345-2347&2374页, 2008.
12. 曹万科; 张天侠; 刘应吉等. 基于TTCAN的汽车控制系统信息调度设计与分析, 农业机械学报, 38(12): 41-44页, 2007.
13. 曹万科; 张天侠; 刘应吉等. 基于RMA方法的汽车车身CAN总线优化设计, 汽车工程, 29(12): 1098-1102页, 2007.
1. 广东省重点领域研发计划课题, 2020B0909030002, 智能电动汽车新型电子电气架构关键技术研究, 主持,2020-2023.
2. 三一专用汽车项目,基于域控制的电子电气架构开发,S-KJ152022Y0001,主持,2022-2023.
3. 国家重点研发计划项目课题, 2020YFB1600203, 车载高光纤通信速分布式功能安全性关键技术研究, 参与, 2020-2023.
4. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金, 51205022, 电动汽车独立驱动系统动态转矩分配网络化控制研究, 主持, 2013-2015.
5. 北京教委项目课题, 20140339051,轻型电动商用车机械自动变速系统研制及产业化技术研究, 主持, 2014-2015.
6. 北京科委项目课题, Z121100003612001,电动轿车自动变速控制及整车控制策略仿真分析, 主持, 2012-2013.
7. 中央高校基础研究基金, 20140342015, 分布式驱动电动汽车网络诱导时滞横摆动力学机理与控制, 主持, 2015-2016.
8. 电动汽车北京市工程研究中心-开放基金, 电动汽车分布式驱动系统网络化控制机理研究, 主持, 2013.
9. 中国博士后科学基金-特别资助, 201003056, 电动汽车独立驱动系统CAN控制优化与应用, 主持, 2010.
10. 中国博士后科学基金-面上项目, 20090450298, 电动汽车独立驱动系统CAN控制建模与调度算法,主持, 2009.


Main research interests: 1. New electronic and electrical architecture; 2. Intelligent network control chassis system; 3. Ultra-high-speed vehicle network; 4. Vehicle network control technology 5. Vehicle Network technology
Published more than 60 SCI/EI indexed academic papers; Applied for/authorized more than 40 national invention patents; Presided over/participated in more than 20 national and provincial projects; He won the First Prize of China Automobile Industry Technology Invention (2018), the Second Prize of Beijing Technology Invention (2019), the Excellent Education and Teaching Achievement Award of Beijing Institute of Technology (2020), and the Excellent Class Teacher of Beijing Institute of Technology (2012).

Professional Experience

Main research interests: 1. New electronic and electrical architecture; 2. Intelligent network control chassis system; 3. Ultra-high-speed vehicle network; 4. Vehicle network control technology 5. Vehicle Network technology
Published more than 60 SCI/EI indexed academic papers; Applied for/authorized more than 40 national invention patents; Presided over/participated in more than 20 national and provincial projects; He won the First Prize of China Automobile Industry Technology Invention (2018), the Second Prize of Beijing Technology Invention (2019), the Excellent Education and Teaching Achievement Award of Beijing Institute of Technology (2020), and the Excellent Class Teacher of Beijing Institute of Technology (2012).

Research Achievement

1. Member of the Working Group on Automotive Electronic and Electrical Architecture of the Strategic Alliance for Technological Innovation in the Electric Vehicle Industry
2. Member of the Working Group on the Compilation of Electric Vehicle Engineering Manual
3. National Natural Science Foundation of China Machinery and Transportation Letter Evaluation Expert
4. Automotive Engineering, Transportation Energy Saving and Environmental Protection, Young Editorial Board, 2022-2024
5. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, IEEE/ASME Trans. Mech., IEEE Trans. Transp. Electrification, Journal of Power Reviewers of dozens of academic journals such as Sources, Automotive Engineering, China Highway Journal, Ordnance Engineering Journal
6. Member of IEEE IEEE Vehicular Technology Society(VTS) Special Committee Member
7. Drafters of National standards - Urban public bus/tram on-board terminal interface communication specifications, road vehicle Diagnostic Communication based on Internet Protocol (DoIP), etc.
8. Sponsor of group standards - General requirements for on-board time-sensitive network middleware, etc.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


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