Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year


Yun Hui Liu

  • Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Jingyi Li

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Yang Bai

  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • National University of Singapore

External person

Shanshan Wang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Yi Tong Ma

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Qingyun Li

  • Chinese University of Hong Kong

External person

Yafang Liu

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Yunde Jia

  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Shenzhen MSU-BIT University

External person

Zhonglian Zhang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Lei Zhang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

External person

Masakatsu G. Fujie

  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Waseda University

External person

Xiaofeng Tang

  • Ohio State University
  • Pennsylvania State University

External person

Liangang Xiao

  • Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute

External person

Lijun Zhang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Chen Chang

  • National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Aerospace Intelligence Control
  • Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute

External person

Ling Li

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Bo Zhang

  • TCC Media Lab Co., Ltd.
  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Waseda University

External person

Hai Lin

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Liqun Zhang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Tai Chen

  • Chinese University of Hong Kong

External person

Fei Jin

  • China Rehabilitation Research Center
  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Zhongli Wang

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person

Wei Jie Bo

  • Beijing Institute of Technology

External person