Title: Pre-appointed Assistant Professor
Tel: 13051808300
Department: Optical Physics
E-mail: yechong@bit.edu.cn
Mailing Address:
Detection, Separation and Transformation of Chiral Molecules Based on Quantum Physics
2013-2017 Beijing Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics PhD
2010-2013 Beijing Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics Master
2006-2010 College of Physics, Nanjing University
2020-, Distinguished Assistant Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology
2017-2020 Postdoctoral Fellow, Beijing Computing Science Research Center
A. Probing and controlling molecular chirality with light
1. Mao-Rui Cai, Chong Ye, Hui Dong, and Yong Li, Enantiodetection of Chiral Molecules via Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 103201 (2022). [URL]
2. Bo Liu, Chong Ye, C. P. Sun, and Yong Li, Enantiospecific state transfer for gaseous symmetric-top chiral molecules, Phys. Rev. A 105, 043110 (2022). [URL]
3. Yu-Yuan Chen, Jian-Jian Cheng, Chong Ye, and Yong Li, Enantiodetection of cyclic three-level chiral molecules in a driven cavity, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013100 (2022). [URL]
4. Bo Liu, Chong Ye*, C. P. Sun, and Yong Li, Spatial enantioseparation of gaseous chiral molecules, Phys. Rev. A 104, 013113 (2021). [URL]
5. Chong Ye*, Bo Liu, Yu-Yuan Chen, and Yong Li, Enantio-conversion of chiral mixtures via optical pumping, Phys. Rev. A 103, 022830 (2021). [URL]
6. Chong Ye*, Yu-Yuan Chen, Quansheng Zhang, and Yong Li, An improved laser-distillation method for complete enantio-conversion of chiral mixtures, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54, 145102 (2021). [URL]
7. Yu-Yuan Chen, Chong Ye*, and Yong Li, Enantio-detection via cavity-assisted three-photon processes, Opt. Express 29, 36132 (2021). [URL]
8. Chong Ye, Yifan Sun, and Xiangdong Zhang, Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Chiral Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 8591 (2021). [URL]
9. Xun-Wei Xu, Chong Ye, Yong Li, and Ai-Xi Chen, Enantiomeric-excess determination based on nonreciprocal-transition-induced spectral-line elimination, Phys. Rev. A 102, 033727 (2020). [URL]
10. Quansheng Zhang, Yu-Yuan Chen, Chong Ye*, and Yong Li, Evading thermal population influence on enantiomeric-specific state transfer based on a cyclic three-level system via ro-vibrational transitions, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53, 235103 (2020). [URL]
11. Yu-Yuan Chen, Chong Ye, Quansheng Zhang, and Yong Li, Enantio-discrimination via light deflection effect, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 204305 (2020). [URL]
12. Chong Ye, Quansheng Zhang, Yu-Yuan Chen, and Yong Li, Fast enantioconversion of chiral mixtures based on a four-level double-Δ model, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033064 (2020). [URL]
13. Chong Ye, Quansheng Zhang, Yu-Yuan Chen, and Yong Li, Effective two-level models for highly efficient inner-state enantioseparation based on cyclic three-level systems of chiral molecules, Phys. Rev. A 100, 043403 (2019). [URL]
14. Chong Ye, Quansheng Zhang, Yu-Yuan Chen, and Yong Li, Determination of enantiomeric excess with chirality-dependent ac Stark effects in cyclic three-level models, Phys. Rev. A 100, 033411 (2019). [URL]
15. Chong Ye, Quansheng Zhang, and Yong Li, Static nonlinear Schrödinger equations for the achiral-chiral transitions of polar chiral molecules, Phys. Rev. A 99, 062703 (2019). [URL]
16. Chong Ye, Quansheng Zhang, and Yong Li, Real single-loop cyclic three-level configuration of chiral molecules, Phys. Rev. A 98, 063401 (2018). [URL]
B. Cold atoms with synthetic gauge fields
17. Chong Ye, Li-Bin Fu, Fulde-Ferrell-like molecular states in spin-orbit coupled ultracold Fermi gases, Commun. Theor. Phys. 68, 255 (2017). [URL]
18. Chong Ye, Li-Bin Fu, and Jie Liu, Spin Hall separation of ultracold atom-molecule mixed gases, Laser Phys. 26, 055501 (2016). [URL]
19. Sheng-Chang Li and Chong Ye, Dynamic stabilization of a coupled ultracold atom-molecule system, Phys. Rev. E 92, 062147 (2015). [URL]
20. Wang Qiang and Ye Chong, Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a triple-well with synthetic gauge field, Acta Phys. Sin. 61, 230304 (2012). [URL]
21. Wang Qiang, Ye Chong, and Fu Li-Bin, Quantum Cyclotron Orbits of a Neutral Atom Trapped in a Triple Well with a Synthetic Gauge Field, Chin. Phys. Lett. 29, 060301 (2012). [URL]
Conference talk & Presentations
1. Spin Hall separation of ultracold atom-molecule mixed gases
Chong Ye
09/09/2017 Chinese Physical Society (CPS) Fall Meeting in 2017, Chengdu, China
2. Enantio-purification of chiral mixtures: coherence control of chirality-dependent effective two-level models
Chong Ye
16/08/2019 The 20th National Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Luoyang, China
1. Optical assisted enantio-determination, enantio-separation, and enantio-conversion
Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11947206)
Chong Ye, host
2. Theoretical study of chiral quantum spectrum based on cyclic three-level model of chiral molecules
Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 12105011)
Chong Ye, host