The coupling analysis between stock market indices based on permutation measures

Wenbin Shi, Pengjian Shang*, Jianan Xia, Chien Hung Yeh

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Many information-theoretic methods have been proposed for analyzing the coupling dependence between time series. And it is significant to quantify the correlation relationship between financial sequences since the financial market is a complex evolved dynamic system. Recently, we developed a new permutation-based entropy, called cross-permutation entropy (CPE), to detect the coupling structures between two synchronous time series. In this paper, we extend the CPE method to weighted cross-permutation entropy (WCPE), to address some of CPE's limitations, mainly its inability to differentiate between distinct patterns of a certain motif and the sensitivity of patterns close to the noise floor. It shows more stable and reliable results than CPE does when applied it to spiky data and AR(1) processes. Besides, we adapt the CPE method to infer the complexity of short-length time series by freely changing the time delay, and test it with Gaussian random series and random walks. The modified method shows the advantages in reducing deviations of entropy estimation compared with the conventional one. Finally, the weighted cross-permutation entropy of eight important stock indices from the world financial markets is investigated, and some useful and interesting empirical results are obtained.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)222-231
Number of pages10
JournalPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • Coupling
  • Freely changed time delay
  • Stock market index
  • Weighted cross-permutation entropy


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